Camera-Ready fonts for PDFs
Check status of fonts in PDF
- Open file in Adobe Acrobat or Reader
- Click on the "File" menu option
- Click on "Document Properties"
- Click on the "Fonts" tab
- Each font listed should have "(Embedded) or "(Embedded Subset)" next to the font name, and NOT be "Type 3"
Fix PDF fonts with Ghostscript
Requires the pdf2ps and ps2pdf tools distributed with ghostscript.
pdf2ps FILE.pdf
ps2pdf -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress FILE_nice.pdf
Fix PDF fonts with Acrobat Distiller (Windows)
Requires Acrobat Distiller for Windows, and the ACM.joboptions file.
- open Acrobat Distiller and click on settings
- choose "Add Adobe PDF Settings"
- choose the attached ACM.joboptions file; save
- change the default setting option to "ACM"; exit distiller