I am currently working as a postdoctoral researcher at the Sigmund Freud University Vienna (Department of Psychology) and as a lecturer at the Vienna University of Technology (Strategic Education Development Center).
I received my PhD in Computer Science at the Vienna University of Technology and my PhD in German Philology at the University of Vienna, both in 2017. My PhD theses investigate the language of perception as well as methods for testing perceptual preference. My master thesis focused on optimization of communication. My research is located in between linguistics, psychology and computer science.
My research interest focuses on psychology, psycholinguistics, computational linguistics and user modeling methodologies within the field of perception and diction. My teaching activities cover these topics as well as didactic aspects of computer science. |
Research |
Papers [name before marriage: Kellner]
- Salamon Gudrun, Strobl Sophie, Matschnig Marie-Stephanie, Diem Anja (2024). The physical, emotional, social, and functional dimensions of epidermolysis bullosa. An interview study on burdens and helpful aspects from a patients’ perspective. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases (in print).
- Salamon Gudrun, Strobl Sophie, Field-Werners Ursula, Diem Anja, Schwieger-Briel Agnes, Pope Elena (2024). iscorEB-p: A patient-reported outcome measure for Epidermolysis bullosa. Psychometric properties of the Patient Score from the Instrument for Scoring Clinical Outcome of Research for EB. British Journal of Dermatology 191/1; P. 75-81.
- Salamon Gudrun, Strobl Sophie, Field-Werners Ursula, Hübl Vinzenz, Diem Anja (2024). Facing the complex challenges of people with epidermolysis bullosa in Austria: A mixed methods study on burdens and helpful practices. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases.
- Salamon Gudrun, Field‐Werners Ursula, Strobl Sophie, Hübl Vinzenz, Diem Anja (2024). The psychosocial impact of a chronic disease in Ireland: Burdens and helpful practices for a life with epidermolysis bullosa. Health Expectations 27/3, e14088; P. 1-15.
- Salamon Gudrun, Strobl Sophie, Field-Werners Ursula, Welponer Tobias, Murrell Dedée F., and Diem Anja (2024). Translation, cultural adaptation and validation of the German Quality of Life in Epidermolysis Bullosa (QOLEB) questionnaire. Journal of Health Psychology; P. 1-15.
- Nosek Nina, Salamon Gudrun (2023). Psychologische und psychotherapeutische Begleitung bei chronischen und seltenen Erkrankungen. Familiendynamik 48/1; P. 4-13.
- Reinprecht Cosima, Salamon Gudrun, Hunger-Schoppe Christina, Klaps Armin, Auersperg Felicitas, Stetina Birgit (2023). Therapie- und Interventionsmöglichkeiten bei Dermatillomanie (Skin-Picking). Familiendynamik 48/01; P. 14-25.
- Salamon Gudrun, and Hunger-Schoppe Christina (2023). Der systemische Blick auf chronische und seltene Erkrankungen. Familiendynamik, 48(1), P. 1.
- Salamon Gudrun, Ruberl Alexander, Maar Laura (2020). Psychosocial aspects of epidermolysis bullosa and quality of life. A systematic review. Acta Dermato-Venereologica 100/Suppl 220; P. 73. (Best clinical poster award: Honorable mention)
- Salamon Gudrun, Hübl Vinzenz (2020). Facilitating factors for the quality of life of people living with epidermolysis bullosa and their families, identified by health care professionals and experts. Acta Dermato-Venereologica 100/Suppl 220; P. 49.
- Salamon Gudrun
(2019). Therapiekörper. Hilfreiche Erfahrungen zwischen körpertherapeutischen und analytischen Denkweisen. Psychoanalyse und Körper 35; P. 52-59.
- Schiller Birgitta, Posselt Winnie, Plecko Julia, Salamon Gudrun
(2019). Erfahrungen von tiefenpsychologisch fundierten Therapeutinnen und Therapeuten in Auseinandersetzung mit dem eigenen Körper. Auswirkungen auf die Praxis und mögliche Implikationen für die Psychotherapieausbildung. Psychoanalyse und Körper 35; P. 39-51.
- Rathner Eva-Maria, Djamali Julia, Terhorst Yannik, Schuller Björn, Cummins Nicholas, Salamon Gudrun, Hunger-Schoppe Christina, and Baumeister Harald
(2018). How did you like 2017? Detection of language markers of depression and narcissism in personal narratives. In: Proceedings Interspeech 2018. ISCA; P. 3388-3392.
- Kellner Gudrun and Grünauer Johannes (2012). Algorithms for the Verification of the Semantic Relation Between a Compound and a Given Lexeme. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies, i-know 2012. ACM.
- Kellner, Gudrun and Berthold, Marcel (2012). I-Know my Users: User-Centric Profiling Based on the Perceptual Preference Questionnaire (PPQ). In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies, i-know 2012. ACM.
- Kellner Gudrun and Weißenbacher Andreas (2012). GETOLS: Game Embedded Testing Of Learning Strategies. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Digital Game and Intelligend Toy Enhanced Learning, DIGITEL 2012. IEEE Computer Society Press; P. 9-16. (Best student paper award)
- Sommeregger, Paul and Kellner, Gudrun (2012). Brief Guidelines for Educational Adventure Games Creation (EAGC). In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Digital Game and Intelligend Toy Enhanced Learning, DIGITEL 2012. IEEE Computer Society Press; P. 120-122.
- Kellner Gudrun, Berthold Marcel and Sommeregger Paul (2012). Towards Guidelines for Educational Adventure Games Creation (EAGC). In: A. Ravenscroft et al. (Ed.): Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2012. Springer, Berlin; p. 550.
- Kellner Gudrun and Berendt Bettina (2012). Towards a new dimension for user modeling based on the use of sensory vocabulary. In: T. Kuflik, L. Ardissono (Ed.): Advances in User Modeling, LNCS 7138, Springer, Berlin; P. 397-401.
- Kellner Gudrun and Berendt Bettina (2011). Extracting Knowledge about Cognitive Style. The Use of Sensory Vocabulary in Forums: A Text Mining Approach. In: F. Ren, Y. Zhong (Ed.): Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering. IEEE Computer Society Press; P. 73-79. (Best paper award)
- Kellner Gudrun and Berendt Bettina (2011). A new dimension for user modeling based on the use of sensory vocabulary. In: F. Abel et al. (Ed.): 19th International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalzation, UMAP 2011, Girona, Spain, July 11-15, 2011, Adjunct Proceedings; P. 25-27. (Best poster award)
- Kellner Gudrun (2009). Modeling the User’s Preferred Perceptual System by
Analyzing the User’s Wording. In: G.-J. Houben et al. (Ed.): 17th International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization, UMAP 2009, Trento, Italy, June 22-26, 2009, Adjunct Proceedings; P. 31-36.
- Kellner Gudrun (2008). Optimization of communication by analyzing the interlocutor's wording. In: H. Kaiser, R. Kirner (Ed.): Proceedings of the Junior Scientist Conference 2008; P. 93-94. (Special recognition poster award)
Books [name before marriage: Kellner]
- Kellner, Gudrun (2010). Wege der Kommunikationsoptimierung. Saarbrücken, VDM - Verlag Dr. Müller, ISBN: 978-3-639-22366-8; 112 p.

- Contribution to: Ammon, Ulrich, Bickel, Hans, and Lenz, Alexandra N. (Ed.) (2016). Variantenwörterbuch des Deutschen. Die Standardsprache in Österreich, der Schweiz, Deutschland, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Ostbelgien und Südtirol sowie Rumänien, Namibia und Mennonitensiedlungen. Berlin, De Gruyter Mouton, ISBN: ISBN 978-3-11-024543-1; 916 p.

PhD Theses
- Salamon, Gudrun (2017). Der Wortschatz der Wahrnehmung.
Lexikologische Erhebung und semantisch-kategoriale Analyse. Advisor: P. Rössler; Universität Wien.
- Salamon, Gudrun (2017). Testing Perceptual Preference. Development and Evaluation of Computer Based Methods
for Testing Perceptual Preference.
Advisor: D. Merkl; Vienna University of Technology.
Advising research (Projektpraktikum, Bachelor Thesis, Master Thesis) |
Teaching |
Projects |
Miscellanious |
More (and other) work
Psychosocial counselling
http://www.initiatiefe.at |