- Rainer Schuster, Thomas Motal, Christian Huemer, and Hannes
Werthner. From Economic Drivers to B2B Process Models: a
Mapping from REA to UMM. In 13th International Conference
on Business Information Systems BIS2010, Berlin, May 3-
5, 2010, 2010
- Rainer Schuster and Thomas Motal. From e3-value to REA:
Modeling Multi-party E-business Collaborations. In CEC ’09:
Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Conference on Commerce and
Enterprise Computing, pages 202–208, Washington, DC, USA,
2009. IEEE Computer Society
- Philipp Liegl, Rainer Schuster, Marco Zapletal, Christian Huemer,
Hannes Werthner, Michael Aigner, Martin Bernauer, Bjoern
Klinger, Michaela Mayr, Ramin Mizani, and MartinWindisch.
[vem:xi:] - A methodology for process based requirements engineering.
In Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE09),
Atlanta, GA, USA, pages 193–202. IEEE, 2009
- William McCarthy, Rainer Schuster, and Thomas Motal. Modeling
Multi-party Collaborations in e3-Value and REA: An Example
and Some Preliminary Observations. In International Workshop
on Value Modeling and Business Ontologies, VMBO’09,
Stockholm - Feb 8-9, 2009, 2009
- The Development Process of the UN/CEFACT Modeling Methodology. With: Christian Huemer, Philipp Liegl, Thomas Motal, and Marco Zapletal. In: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC08), ACM, Innsbruck (Austria), 2008
- Rainer Schuster and Thomas Motal. A Holistic Approach Towards
a UML Profile for Business Modeling. In Proceedings
of the 10th International Conference on Electronic Commerce
(ICEC08) CEUR-WS, August 19-22, Innsbruck, Austria, 2008
- Philipp Liegl, Thomas Motal, and Rainer Schuster. An Add-In
for UN/CEFACT’s Modeling Methodology 2.0. In Proceedings
of the 10th International Conference on Electronic Commerce
(ICEC08), August 19-22, Innsbruck, Austria, pages 1–2, 2008
- Christian Huemer, Philipp Liegl, Rainer Schuster, and Marco Zapletal. A 3-level e-Business Registry Meta Model. Appears in: Proceedings of the IEEE Intl. Conf. on Services Computing (SCC2008), IEEE Computer Society, Honululu (USA), 2008
- Christian Huemer, Philipp Liegl, Rainer Schuster, Hannes Werthner, and Marco Zapletal. Inter-organizational Systems: From Business Values over Business Processes to Deployment. In Proceedings of the 2nd Intl. IEEE Conf. on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies (DEST2008), IEEE Computer Society, Phitsanulok (Thailand), 2008
- Christian Huemer, Philipp Liegl, Rainer Schuster, and Marco Zapletal. Worksheet-Driven UMM Modeling of B2B Services . Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Intl. Conf. on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE), IEEE Computer Society, Hong Kong (China), 2007
- Birgit Hofreiter, Christian Huemer, Philipp Liegl, Rainer Schuster, and Marco Zapletal. The UMM Add-In - Demo. In Proceedings of the Intl. Conf. on Services Oriented Computing (ICSOC2007), Vienna (Austria), 2007
- Birgit Hofreiter, Christian Huemer, Philipp Liegl, Rainer Schuster, and Marco Zapletal. Deriving executable BPEL from UMM Business Transactions . Proceedings of the IEEE Intl. Conf. on Services Computing (SCC2007), IEEE Computer Society, Salt Lake City (USA), 2007
- Christian Huemer, Philipp Liegl, Rainer Schuster, and Marco Zapletal. Modeling Business Entity State Centric Choreographies . Proceedings of the 9th IEEE Conf. on E-Commerce Technology (CEC07), IEEE Computer Society, Tokyo (Japan), 2007
- Birgit Hofreiter, Christian Huemer, Philipp Liegl, Rainer Schuster, and Marco Zapletal. UMM Add-In: A UML Extension for UN/CEFACT's Modeling Methodology. European Conference on Model Driven Architecture (ECMDA'06), Bilbao (Spain), 2006
- Birgit Hofreiter, Christian Huemer, Philipp Liegl, Rainer Schuster, and Marco Zapletal. UN/CEFACT's Modeling Methodology (UMM): A UML Profile for B2B e-Commerce . Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Best Practices of UML (ER BP-UML'06), Tucson (USA), 2006