- Werthner, H. & Klein, S. (1999) Information Technology and Tourism - A Challenging Relationship. Springer Verlag, Wien, New York, p. 323.
- Werthner, H. (1994) Qualitative Reasoning. Springer Verlag, Wien, New York, p. 180.
- Guariso, G. & Werthner, H. (1989) Environmental Decision Support Systems. Ellis Horwood, Chichester, England, p. 240.
- Werthner, H., Ghezzi, C., Kramer, J., Nida-Rümelin, J., Nuseibeh, B., Prem, E., Stanger, A ed. (2024): Introduction to Digital Humanism. Springer, 2024. (open access, 160.000 downloads, Feb 2024).
- H. Werthner, E. Prem, E. Lee, and C. Ghezzi, ed. (2022) Perspectives on Digital Humanism. Springer, 2022 (open access, 450.000 downloads, Feb 2024).
- H. Werthner, F. van Harmelen (2017): Informatics in the Future. Proc. 11th European Computer Science Summit (ECSS 2015), Vienna, 2015; Springer International Publishing, 2017, ISBN: 978-3-319-55734-2.
- B. Hofreiter, H. Werthner (2009) Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Commerce and Enterprise Computing. IEEE Computer Society, Vienna, Austria, 2009.
- Bauknecht, K., Pröll, B. and Werthner, H. (2006) Proceedings of the International Conference on e-commerce and Web Technologies (EC-Web), Krakow, 2006, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Heidelberg, 2006.
- Fesenmaier, D., Werthner, H. & Wöber, K. (2006) Travel Destination Recommendation Systems: Behavioral Foundations and Applications. CAB International, London, 2006.
- Bauknecht, K., Pröll, B. and Werthner, H. (2005) Proceedings of the International Conference on e-commerce and Web Technologies (EC-Web), Copenhagen, 2005, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Heidelberg, 2005.
- Giaglis, G., Werthner, H., Tschammer, V. & Fröschl, K. (2003) Proceedings of the 2nd international Conference on mobile business. Vienna, OCG, 2003. p. 585.
- Werthner, H. & Bichler, M. (2001) Lectures in E-Commerce. Springer Verlag, Wien, New York, p. 240.
- Klein, S., Schmid, B., Tjoa, A. & Werthner H. (1996) Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism. Proc. 3rd ENTER Conf., Innsbruck, 1996, Springer Verlag, Wien, New York, p. 234.
- Schertler, W., Schmid, B., Tjoa, A. & Werthner H. (1995) Elektronisches Marketing im Tourismus. Schriftenreihe der ÖCG, Band 78. Oldenburg Verlag, Wien, München, p. 204.
- Schertler, W., Schmid, B., Tjoa, A. & Werthner H. (1995) Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism. Proc. 2nd ENTER Conf., Innsbruck, 1995, Springer Verlag, Wien, New York, p. 346.
- Schertler, W., Schmid, B., Tjoa, A. & Werthner H. (1994) Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism. Proc. 1st ENTER Conf., Innsbruck, 1994, Springer Verlag, Wien, New York, p. 288.
- Fröschl, K., S. Mattl, S. & Werthner, H. (1993) Symbolverarbeitende Maschinen. Eine Archäologie. Katalog zur Ausstellung Info - Geschichte des Computers, p. 185.
Refereed Articles in Journals and Books
- Hannes Werthner, H., Stanger, A., Schiaffonati, V., Knees, P., Hardman, L., Ghezzi, C. (2023) Digital Humanism: The Time Is Now. IEEE Computer 56 / 1 (2023)
- H .Werthner (2022): From absolute nonsense to the world´s operating system. Electronic Markets, volume 32, pages 145–151
- H. Werthner (2021): e-Tourism: An Informatics Perspective. in: "Handbook of e-Tourism", Z. Xiang, M. Fuchs, U. Gretzel, W. Höpken (ed.); Springer, 2021. p. 1 - 20.
- C. Mukamakuza, D. Sacharidis, H. Werthner: (2019): "The Role of Activity and Similarity in Rating and Social Behavior in Social Recommender Systems."; International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, 28 (2019).
- M. Sertkan, J. Neidhardt, H. Werthner (2019): "What is the "Personality" of a tourism destination?"; Information Technology & Tourism, 21 (2019); 1, pp 105–133
- W. Grossmann, M. Sertkan, J. Neidhardt, H. Werthner (2018): "Pictures as a tool for matching tourist preferences with destinations."; In "Personalized Human-Computer Interaction.", M. Augstein, E. Herder, W. Wörndl (Hrg.); DeGruyter, Oldenbourg, 2018, S. 1 - 5.
- J. Neidhardt, H. Werthner (2018): "IT and tourism: still a hot topic, but do not forget IT."; Information Technology & Tourism (invited), 20 (2018), 1-4; pp 1 - 7.
- J. Neidhardt, N. Rümmele, H. Werthner (2017): Predicting happiness: user interactions and sentiment analysis in an online travel forum. Information Technology & Tourism, 1 (2017), 101 - 119
- K. Conrad, N. Musliu, R. Pichler, H. Werthner (2016): Universities and computer science in the European crisis of refugees. Communications of the ACM, 59 (2016), 10.
- M. Calatrava Moreno, T. Auzinger, H. Werthner (2016): On the uncertainty of interdisciplinarity measurements due to incomplete bibliographic data. Scientometrics, 107 (2016)
- R. Engel, W. Krathu, M. Zapletal, C. Pichler, R. Jagadeesh Chandra Bose, W. van der Aalst, H. Werthner, C. Huemer (2015): Analyzing inter-organizational business processes. Process mining and business performance analysis using electronic data interchange messages. Iseb 15/4. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2015.
- J. Neidhardt, L. Seyfang, R. Schuster, H. Werthner (2015): A picture-based approach to recommender systems. Journal for InformationTechnology and Tourism. 15 / 1. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2015.
- W. Krathu, C. Pichler, G. Xiao, H. Werthner, J. Neidhardt, M, Zapletal, C. Huemer (2015): Inter-organizational success factors: a cause and effect model. Iseb, 15 / 3. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2015.
- H. Werthner, et al., (2015): Future research issues in IT and tourism. Journal for Information Technology & Tourism, 15 / 2 Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2015.
- C. Huemer, C. Grün, P. Liegl, D. Mayrhofer, T. Motal, R. Schuster, H. Werthner, M. Zapletal (2011): eBusiness - Towards building ontologies for B2B and B2C. In: D. Fensel, J. Domingue, J. Hendler (Eds) Handbook of Semantic Web Technologies. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2011.
- R. Piazzi, R. Baggio, J. Neidhardt, H. Werthner (2011) Destinations and the Web: a Network Analysis View. Information Technology & Tourism, 13/3, 215 - 229.
- J. Patalas-Maliszewska, H. Werthner (2010): Methodology of knowledge value assessment in an enterprise of SME sector. Management and Production Engineering Review, Vol 1 / 1, pp. 21 - 28.
- J. Patalas-Maliszewska, H. Werthner (2010): The method for assessing and forecasting value of knowledge in SMEs - research results. Contemporary Economics, Vol 3, pp. 91 - 106.
- Dan Wang, D. Fesenmaier, H. Werthner, K. Wöber (2010): The Journal of Information Technology and Tourism: A Content Analysis of the Past 10 Years. Information Technology & Tourism, Vol. 12/1, pp. 3 - 16.
- N. Walchhofer, K. Fröschl, B. Dippelreiter, H. Werthner, M. Pöttler (2009): Semamo: An Approach To Semantic Market Monitoring, IT&T 11 (3), pp. 197 – 210.
- Dorn, J., Grün, C., Werthner, H., Zapletal M. (2009) From business to software: A B2B survey. In: Information Systems and e-Business Management, 7/2, pp. 123-142.
- Mustafa, R., Werthner, H. (2008) A Knowledge Management Perspective on Business Models. The Intern. Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management 8/5.
- Ebner, A., Werthner, H. (2006) Operating and Maintaining Web Applications. In: Kappel, G., Pröll, B., Reich, S. (eds) Web Engineering – Systematic Development of Web Applications. John Wiley & Sons, NY.
- Werthner, H. and Klein, S. (2006) ICT-enabled Innovation. In: Walder, B., Weiermair, K., and Sancho-Perez, A. (eds) Innovation and Product Development in Tourism. Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin.
- Werthner, H., Stock, O., Zancanaro, M. (2006) Futuring Travel Destination Recommendation Systems. In: Fesenmaier, D., Werthner, H. & Wöber, K. (eds) Travel Destination Recommendation Systems: Behavioral Foundations and Applications. CAB International, London.
- Werthner, H. and Ricci, F. (2004) Electronic Commerce and Tourism. Comm. of the ACM, 47/12.
- Dell’Erba, M., Fodor, O., Höpken, O. and Werthner, H. (2005) Exploiting Semantic Web Technologies for Harmonizing e-markets. IT&T 7/4.
- Fodor, O. & Werthner, H. (2005) Harmonise – a Step towards an Interoperable e-Tourism Marketplace. International Journal of Electronic Commerce 9/2.
- H. Werthner (2005) Informationstechnologie und touristische Innovation. In: H. Pechlaner, P. Tschurtschenthaler, M. Peters, B. Pikkemaat, M. Fuchs (eds) Erfolg durch Innovation. Deutscher Universitätsverlag /Gabler - Verlag, Wiesbaden.
- Werthner, H., Fodor, O., Herzog, M. (2005) Web Information Extraction as Basis for Smart Business Networking. Electronic Business in Tourism. In: Vervest, P., van Heck, E., Preiss, K., Pau, L. (eds) Smart Business Networking. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg.
- Gratzer, M., Werthner, H., Winiwarter, W. (2004) Electronic Business in Tourism. International Journal on Electronic Business 5/2.
- Ebner, A., Werthner, H. (2003) Betrieb und Wartung von Web Anwendungen. In: Kappel, G., Pröll, B., Reich, S. (eds) Web Engineering - Systematische Entwicklung von Web-Anwendungen. Dpunkt Verlag, Heidelberg.
- Staab, S. & Werthner, H. (2002) Intelligent Systems for Tourism - Introduction. IEEE Intelligent Systems,17/6, pp. 53-55.
- Ricci, F. & Werthner, H. (2002) Case based reasoning for travel planning recommendation. IT&T, 4/3.
- Martin Bichler, M., Field, F. & Werthner, H. (2001) Theory and application of electronic market design. Electronic Commerce Research Journal, 1/3, 215-220.
- Werthner, H., Klein S. (2000) ICT and the changing landscape of global tourism distribution. International Journal of Electronic Commerce & Business Media, No. 9/4.
- Buhalis, D., Jafari, J., Werthner, H. (1997) Information technology and the reengineering of tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 24/1..
- Werthner, H. (1998) IT and Tourism - An Introduction. IT&T , 1/1, pp. 1 - 14.
- Guariso, G., Hitz, M. & Werthner, H. (1996) An Integrated Simulation and Optimization Modeling Environment for Decision Support. Decision Support Systems, No. 16, pp. 103-117.
- Grossmann, W., Guariso, G., Hitz, M. & Werthner, H. (1995) A min cost flow solution for dynamic assignment problems in networks with storage devices. Management Science 41, No. 1, pp 83-93.
- Fröschl, K. & Werthner, H. (1994) Die Konzeption von Tourismus Informationssystemen. In: Schertler, W.(ed.) Strategische Bedeutung neuer Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien im Tourismus. Überreuter Verlag.
- Werthner, H. (1993) TIS - Tiroler Tourismus Information System. Wirtschaftsinformatik 35, No. 1, pp. 43-50.
- Guariso, G., Rizzoli, A., & Werthner, H. (1992) Identification of Model Structure via Qualitative Simulation. IEEE Trans. SMC 22, No. 5, pp. 1075-1086.
- Guariso, G., Hitz, M. & Werthner, H. (1989) An intelligent Simulation Model Generator. Simulation 53, No. 2, pp. 57-66.
- Guariso, G., Hitz, M. & Werthner, H. (1989) Un ambiente per il progetto e la simulazione di modelli complessi. Automazione e Strumentazione 1989, No. 7, pp. 159-166.
- Guariso, G. & Werthner, H. (1988) A Software Base For Environmental Studies. Computer Journal 31, No. 6, pp. 550-553.
- Gandolfi, C. & Werthner, H. (1987) A Hydrological Information System for the Valtellina Region. Environmental Software 2, No.2, pp. 89-99.
- Guariso, G. & Werthner, H. (1986) A Computerized Inventory for Water Resources Models. Environmental Software 1, Nr. 1, pp. 40-47.
- Glasauer, H., Mattl, S. & Werthner, H. (1985) Computer in einer Ausstellung zum Bürgerkrieg 1934. Journal für Sozialforschung 25, No. 4, pp. 463-472.
Other Articles and Book Chapters
- Werthner, H. (2024): Digital Transformation, Digital Humanism: What Needs to Be Done. In: Werthner, H., Ghezzi, C., Kramer, J., Nida-Rümelin, J., Nuseibeh, B., Prem, E., Stanger, A.(eds) Introduction to Digital Humanism, Springer, 2024, p. 115 - 132.
- J. Neidhardt, H. Werthner, S. Woltran (2022): It Is Simple, It Is Complicated. In: . Werthner, E. Prem, E. Lee, C. Ghezzi (eds) Perspectives on Digital Humanism, Springer, 2022, p . 335 - 342.
- H. Werthner (2022): Geopolitics, Digital Sovereignty...What´s in a Word?; In: Werthner, E. Prem, E. Lee, C. Ghezzi (eds) Perspectives on Digital Humanism, Springer, 2022, p. 241 - 248.
- H. Werthner (2020): Das Wiener Manifest für Digitalen Humanismus. In: M. Hengstschläger / Rat für Forschung und Technologieentwicklung (Hg.) (2020): Digitaler Wandel und Ethik. Salzburg, München: Ecowin Verlag. pp. 384-405. English version: The Vienna Manifest on Digital Humanism. In: M. Hengstschläger / Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development (Eds.) (2020): Digital Transformation and Ethics. Salzburg, München: Ecowin Verlag. pp. 338-357.
- M. Sertkan, J. Neidhardt, H. Werthner (2019): "Von Reisezielmerkmalen zur Reisezielpersönlichkeit"; Tourismuswissen - quarterly, April (2019), S. 91 - 98.
- G. Grill, J. Neidhardt, H. Werthner (2017): "Network Analysis on the Austrian Media Corpus"; in: "VSS 2017 - Vienna young Scientists Symposium",, Heinz A. Krebs, Gumpoldskirchen, Austria (2017), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-2-1; S. 128 - 129.
- A. Delic, J. Neidhardt, H. Werthner (2016): Are Sun lovers nervous? In: ENTER 2016 - Volume 7, e-Review of Tourism Research, (2016).
- J. Neidhardt, N. Pobiedina, H. Werthner (2015): What Can We Learn From Review Data? In: ENTER 2015 - Volume 6", e-Review of Tourism Research, (2015).
- M. Calatrava Moreno, M. Danowitz, H. Werthner (2014): Contrasting Approaches to Interdisciplinarity at Doctoral Level. Workshop on Doctoral Education, University of Oxford, Oxford, England. Nov 2014.
- Lamsfus, C. Grün, H. Werthner, A. Alzua-Sorzabal (2010): Context-based semantic matchmaking to enhance tourists´ experiences. Journal for the Informatics Professional (invited), Vol 203, pp. 17 - 23.
- Mustafa, R., Werthner, H. (2010): A Knowledge Management Perspective on Business Models. In: J. Westover (ed): Globalization, Labor & the Transformation of Work: Readings for Seeking a Competitive Advantage in an Increasingly Global Economy. Common Ground Publishing, Australia, (invited), p. 377 - 394.
- Mustafa, R., Werthner, H. (2009): Business model and inter-organizational knowledge transfer: Impact on innovation in networked enterprises. EBRF 2009, Jyväskylä, Finland, Sept. 2009.
- M. Zapletal, W. van der Aalst, N. Russell, P. Liegl, H. Werthner: Pattern-based Analysis of Windows Workflow. Technische Universiteit Eindhoven Computer Science Report, 09/07 (2009), 09/07; pp. 1 - 14.
- Dorn, J., Herzog, C., Werthner, H. (2008) TechScreen: Networked Knowledge Management. To appear in: Smart Business Networks, Beijing, May 2008
- Dorn, J., Fensel, D., Hepp, M., Werthner, H. (2008) Semantically Enabled Service-Oriented Architectures: An Enabler for Smart Business Networks. In: Vervest, P., van Heck, E., Preiss, K. (eds) Smart Business Networking – A New Business Paradigm. SBNi 2008.
- Haas, M., Lamp, C., Werthner, H. (2007) A Framework for Strategic Positioning of DMOs. Short paper at ENTER Conference 2007. Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2007, Springer Verlag.
- Werthner, H., and Borovicka, M. (2006) E-commerce und Semantic Web. In: Pellegrini, T., and Blumauer, A. (eds) Semantic Web – Wege zur vernetzten Wissensgesellschaft. Springer Verlag, 2006
- Brodie, M., Bussler, C., de Brujin, J., Fahringer, T., Fensel, D., Hepp, M., Lausen, H., Roman, D., Strang, T., Werthner, H., Zaremba, M. (2005) Semantically Enabled Service-Oriented Architectures: A Manifesto and a Paradigm Shift in Computer Science. DERI-TR-2005-12-25, Dec. 2005.
- Tjoa, A., Werthner, H. (2004) Electronic markets and tourism. In: Stanoevska-Slabeva, K. (ed.) Digital Economy - Anspruch und Wirklichkeit. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 2004.
- A. Tjoa, H. Werthner (2004) E-commerce and Tourism: Retrospectives and Perspectives. In: K. Stanoevska-Slabeva (ed.) The Digital Economy - Anspruch und Wirklichkeit, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2004, p. 165 - 180.
- Ricci, F., Werthner, H. (2002) eCommerce e turismo: Quali prospettive per il turismo? In: Pechlaner, H. (ed.) Manuale del Turismo Alpino.
- Werthner, H. & Danzinger, C. (2001) Trendsetter Tourismus Freiheit oder Verpflichtung zur Nutzung neuer Chancen durch E-Commerce? In: Kurt Luger, L., Rest, F. (eds.) Der Alpentourismus - Entwicklungspotenziale im Spannungsfeld von Kultur, Ökonomie und Ökologie.
- Werthner, H. (2000) E-commerce and Automated Auctions. Invited contribution to the Global Electronic Commerce for World Markets Research Centre's Business Briefing Series for the UN/ECE's e-Commerce Forum ‘Electronic Commerce for Transition Economies in the Digital Age‘, Geneva, June 2000.
- Bichler, M., Kaukal, M. & Werthner, H. (2000) Elektronische Märkte - Ein neuer Trend in der betrieblichen Beschaffung. In: Schweighofer, E., Menzel, T: E-Commerce und E-Government. Schriftenreihe Rechtsinformatik. Verlag Österreich, Wien, 2000.
- Werthner, H. (1999) Doing Business in the Digital Economy. Eingeladener Beitrag in den Proc. der IST’99 (IT Konferenz der EU), Helsinki, Finland.
- Werthner, H. (1998) Informationstechnologie und Tourismus. ETI Heft 13, Schriftenreihe des Europ. Tourismus Instituts, Luxemburg.
- Werthner, H., Nachira, F., Oreste, S., Pollock, A. (1997): Information Society Technologies (IST) for Tourism. Report of the Strategic Advisory Group on the 5th Framework Program on Information Society applications for transport and associated services. "THINK TANK ON IST FOR TOURISM". Report for the EU, 1997.
- Werthner, H. (1993) Über Automaten und ihre Theorie. In: Fröschl, K., S. Mattl, S. & Werthner, H. Symbolverarbeitende Maschinen. Eine Archäologie. Katalog zur Ausstellung Info - Geschichte des Computers, pp. 898-899.
- Werthner, H. (1993) Alan Turing. In: Fröschl, K., S. Mattl, S. & Werthner, H. Symbolverarbeitende Maschinen. Eine Archäologie. Katalog zur Ausstellung Info - Geschichte des Computers, pp. 568-789.
- Gatto, M., Rinaldi, S., & Werthner, H. (1990) Insegnare l'ecologia con l'ausilio del PC. Compu Scuola 47, Anno 6, pp. 47-49.
- Glasauer, H., Mattl, S. & Werthner, H. (1985) Der Einsatz von Computer in einer historischen Ausstellung. Zeitgeschichte 12, No. 4, pp. 165-176.
- Grossmann, W., Schimanovich, W. & Werthner, H. (1983) Bewerten von Strategien für den öffentlichen Verkehr. Österreichische Verkehrsannalen 29, No. 4, pp. 21-33.
Refereed Articles in Conference Proceedings
- Prem, E., Neidhardt, J., Knees, P., Woltran, S., Werthner, H. (2023) Digital Humanism and Norms in Recommender Systems. Proceedings of the First Workshop on the Normative Design and Evaluation of Recommender Systems, with ACM RecSys 2023.
- M. Sertkan, J. Neidhardt, H. Werthner (2020) PicTouRe - A Picture-Based Tourism Recommender. In: "RecSys '20: Fourteenth ACM Conference on Recommender Systems. Brazil. September, 2020.
- M. Sertkan, J. Neidhardt, H. Werthner (2020) Eliciting Touristic Profiles: A User Study on Picture Collections. In: "UMAP '20: Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization. 2020.
- M. Sertkan, J. Neidhardt, H. Werthner (2020) From Pictures to Travel Characteristics: Deep Learning-Based Profiling of Tourists and Tourism Destinations. ENTER 2020, Surrey, UK, 2020.
- J. Luef, C. Ohrfandl, D. Sacharidis, H. Werthner (2020): A Recommender System for Investing in Early-Stage Enterprises. " ACM SAC 2020.
- D. Sacharidis, C. Mukamakuza, H. Werthner (2020): Fairness and Diversity in Social-Based Recommender Systems. In UMAP'20: 28th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, 2020.
- L. Weydemann, D. Sacharidis, H. Werthner (2019) Defining and Measuring Fairness in Location Recommendations. LocalRec '19. ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Location-based Recommendations, Geosocial Networks and Geoadvertising, 2019.
- M. Akhtar, J. Neidhardt, H. Werthner (2019): "The Potential of Chatbots: Analysis of Chatbot Conversations."; in: "Proceedings of 21st IEEE International Conference on Business Informatics (CBI)", (2019).
- C. Mukamakuza, D. Sacharidis, H. Werthner (2019): "The Impact of Social Connections in Personalization"; in: 27th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization", (2019).
- M. Sertkan, J. Neidhardt, H. Werthner (2019): "Documents, Topics, and Authors: Text Mining of Online News."; in: "Proceedings of 21st IEEE International Conference on Business Informatics (CBI)", (2019).
- M. Sertkan, J. Neidhardt, H. Werthner (2019): "From Pictures to Touristic Profiles: A Deep-Learning Based Approach"; International Alan Turing Conference on Decision Support and Recommender Systems (DSRS-Turing'19), (2019).
- A. Delic, J. Masthoff, J. Neidhardt, H. Werthner (2018): "How to Use Social Relationships in Group Recommenders: Empirical Evidence"; "UMAP '18 Proceedings of the 26th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization", ACM New York, (2018)
- A. Delic, J. Neidhardt, H. Werthner (2018): "Group Decision Making and Group Recommendations in Tourism Domain"; "CBI 2018 - Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Business Informatics", IEEE, (2018), 10 S.
- L. Glatzer, J. Neidhardt, H. Werthner (2018): "Automated Assignment of Hotel Descriptions to Travel Behavioural Patterns";"Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2018", Springer, (2018), ISBN: 978-3-319-72922-0; S. 409 - 421.
- C. Mukamakuza, D. Sacharidis, H. Werthner (2018): "Mining User Behavior in Social Recommender System";"WIMS '18 Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics", ACM, (2018), S. 1 - 6.
- M. Sertkan, J. Neidhardt, H. Werthner (2018): "Mapping of Tourism Destinations to Travel Behavioural Patterns"; "Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2018", Springer, Cham, (2018), ISBN: 978-3-319-72922-0; S. 422 - 434.
- A. Delic, J. Neidhardt, L. Rook, H. Werthner, M. Zanker (2017): Researching Individual Satisfaction with Group Decisions in Tourism: Experimental Evidence. Proc of ENTER Conference 2017, Rome, Italy; Springer, (2017).
- C. Grün, J. Neidhardt, H. Werthner (2017): Ontology-based Matchmaking to Provide Personalized Recommendations for Tourists. Proc of ENTER Conference 2017, Rome, Italy; Springer, (2017). .
- J. Neidhardt, H. Werthner (2017): Travellers and Their Joint Characteristics Within the Seven-Factor Model. Prof ENTER Conference 2017, Rome, Italy; Springer, (2017)..
- M. Calatrava Moreno, P. Kynčlová, H. Werthner (2016): A Multiple-Perspective Analysis of Doctoral Interdisciplinarity. Proc. 15th Intern. Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, Istanbul, Turkey, 2016. IEEE, (2016), 11 S.
- A. Delic, J. Neidhardt, T. Nguyen, F. Ricci, L. Rook, H. Werthner, M. Zanker (2016): Observing Group Decision Making Processes. Proc. 10th ACM Conference on Recommender systems", Boston, MA, USA ; ACM, (2016), ISBN: 978-1-4503-4035-9; S. 147 - 150.
- J. Neidhardt, N. Rümmele, H. Werthner (2016): Can We Predict Your Sentiments by Listening to Your Peers? In: Proc. ENTER Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2016; Bilbao. Springer Publishing, New York, Wien (2016).
- M. Calatrava Moreno, G. Hörhager, R. Schuster, H. Werthner (2015): Strategic E-tourism Alternatives for Destinations. In: Proc. ENTER Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2015; Lugano ; Springer Publishing, New York, Wien (2015).
- N. Rümmele, R. Ichise, H. Werthner (2015): Exploring supervised methods for temporal link prediction in heterogeneous social networks. In: WWW 2015 Companion; 5th Temporal Web Analytics Workshop, Florence, Italy (2015).
- L. Grad-Gyenge, P. Filzmoser, H. Werthner (2016): Recommendations on a Knowledge Graph. Proc. of MLRec 2015 (1st Intern.Workshop on Machine Learning Methods for Recommender Systems), Vancouver, Kanada (2015).
- J. Neidhardt, L. Seyfang, R. Schuster, H. Werthner (2014): Eliciting the Users' Unknown Preferences In: Proceedings of ACM Recsys 2014, San Mateo, ACM 2014.
- L. Grad-Gyenge, P. Filzmoser, H. Werthner (2014): Spreading Activation for Rating Estimation in Recommender Systems. Poster at 15th International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies (EC-Web 2014), Munich, Germany, Sep 2014.
- B. Hofreiter, E. Prem, H. Werthner (2014): The Informatics Innovation Center (i2c) at the Vienna University of Technology - its Design and First Experiences In: Proceedings of The ISPIM Americas Innovation Forum: Montreal, Canada (2014). ABI/INFORM Global, Montreal, Canada, 2014.
- W. Krathu, C. Pichler, R. Engel, M. Zapletal, H. Werthner, C. Huemer (2014) A Framework for Inter-organizational Performance Analysis from EDI Messages. In: Proceedings of The 16th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics (CBI)", IEEE, p. 1 - 8.
- N. Pobiedina, St. Rümmele, S. Skritek, H. Werthner (2014) Benchmarking database systems for graph pattern matching. In: Proc. DEXA - International Conference on Database and Expert System Applications, Munich, Germany; Springer LNCS.
- R. Engel, J. Rantham Prabhakara, C. Pichler, M. Zapletal, C. Huemer, H. Werthner (2013) Inter-organizational Business Processes: On Redundancies in Document Exchanges. In: Proc. 15th International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC 2013), TUCS Lecture Notes 19, p. 51 - 66.
- M. Hochmeister, U. Gretzel, H. Werthner (2013) Destination Expertise in Online Travel Communities. In: Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2013, Proceedings of ENTER Conference 2013. Springer, New York, p. 218 - 229.
- N. Pobiedina, J. Neidhardt, M. Calatrava Moreno, H. Werthner (2013) Ranking Factors of Team Success. In "WWW 2013 Companion", Companion Publication of the IW3C2 WWW 2013 Conference, p. 1185 - 1193.
- R. Engel, J. Rantham Prabhakara, C. Pichler, M. Zapletal, H. Werthner (2013) EDIminer: A Toolset for Process Mining from EDI Messages. In: "CAiSE'13 Forum at the 25th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering., Vol. 998, 2013, p. 146 - 153.
- W. Krathu, R. Engel, C. Pichler, M. Zapletal, H. Werthner (2013) Identifying Inter-organizational Key Performance Indicators from EDIFACT Messages. In: Proceedings of the 15th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics (CBI)", IEEE, p. 276 - 283.
- N. Pobiedina, J. Neidhardt, M. Calatrava Moreno, L. Grad-Gyenge, H. Werthner (2013) On Successful Team Formation: Statistical Analysis of a Multiplayer Online Game. In: Proceedings of the 15th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics (CBI)", IEEE, p. 55 - 62.
- R. Engel, W. Krathu, C. Pichler, M. Zapletal, H. Werthner (2013) Towards EDI-Based Business Activity Monitoring. Workshop on Methodologies for Robustness Injection into Business Processes (MRI-BP'13) at the 17th IEEE International EDOC Conference. In: 17th IEEE International EDOC Conference Workshops, IEEE, p. 158 - 162.
- L. Grad-Gyenge, H. Werthner (2013) Network Science @ Recommender Systems. In: Proc. 15th International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC 2013), TUCS Lecture Notes 19, p. 67 - 77.
- R. Piazzi, R. Baggio, J. Neidhardt, H. Werthner (2012) Network Analysis of the Austrian eTourism Web. In: Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2012, Proceedings of ENTER Conference 2012. Springer, New York, p. 356 - 367.
- R. Engel, W.M.P. van der Aalst, M. Zapletal, C. Pichler, H. Werthner (2012) Mining Inter-organizational Business Process Models from EDI Messages: A Case Study from the Automotive Sector. 24th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2012), In: LNCS Springer, 7328, p. 222 - 237.
- R. Engel, C. Pichler, M. Zapletal, W. Krathu, H. Werthner (2012) From Encoded EDIFACT Messages to Business Concepts Using Semantic Annotations. In: Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Commerce and Enterprise Computing (CEC 2012), IEEE, p. 17 - 25.
- W. Krathu, C. Pichler, M. Zapletal, H. Werthner (2012) Semantic inter-organizational performance analysis using the balanced scorecard methodology. In: MIPRO, 2012 Proceedings of the 35th International Convention", p. 1589 - 1594.
- C. Huemer, G. Kappel, P. Liegl, R. Schuster, H. Werthner, M. Topf, D. Mayrhofer, M. Zapletal, P. Krenn (2012) ERPEL: Enabling Seamless Ad-hoc Cross Enterprise Collaborations. In: Proceedings of the Annual SRII Global Conference 2012.
- A. Fensel, J. Neidhardt, N. Pobiedina, D. Fensel, H. Werthner (2012) Towards an Intelligent Framework to Understand and Feed the Web. In: 15th International Conference on Business Information Systems 2012 / Business Information Systems Workshops. Springer LNBIP 127, p. 255 - 266.
- W. Krathu, C. Pichler, R. Engel, M. Zapletal, H. Werthner (2012) Semantic Interpretation of UN/EDIFACT Messages for Evaluating Inter-organizational Relationships. In: Proc. 5th International Conference on Advances in Information Technology (IAIT'12), p. 81 - 93.
- R. Engel, W. Krathu, M. Zapletal, C. Pichler, W.M.P. van der Aalst, H. Werthner (2011) Process Mining for Electronic Data Interchange. In: Proc. 12th International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies: EC-Web 2011. Springer LNBIP 85, p. 77 - 88.
- T. Tran Thi Kim, H. Werthner (2011) An ontology based framework for enriching event log data. In: Proc. SEMAPRO 2011; Fifth International Conference on Advances in Semantic Processing, p. 110 - 115.
- C. Huemer, T. Motal,R. Schuster, H. Werthner (2010) From Economic Drivers to B2B Process Models: a Mapping from REA to UMM. In: Proc. 13th International Conference Business Information Systems, BIS 2010. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p. 119 - 132.
- Schuster, R, Motal, T., Huemer, C., Werthner, H. (2010) Economic Requirements for B2B Process Models: a Mapping from REA to UMM. In: Proc. 13th Intern. Conf. on Business Information Systems, Berlin, 2010. Springer, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 2010
- Liegl, P., Schuster, R., Zapletal, M., Huemer, C., Werthner, H., Aigner, M. Bernauer, M., Klinger, B., Mayr, M., Mizani, R., Windisch, M. (2009) [vem:xi:] - A methodology for process based requirements engineering. In Proc. of the 17th IEEE Requirements Engineering Conference, IEEE Computer Society, (2009), pp. 193 - 202. Atlanta, Sept. 2009.
- Werthner, H., Grün, C., Pröll, B., Feilmayr, C., Barta, R. (2009) Covering the Semantic Space of Tourism - An Approach based on Modularized Ontologies. In Proc. of ACM International Conference Proceeding Series 1st Workshop on Context, Information and Ontologies, ACM, 1 (2009), pp. 1 - 8. Heraklion, June 2009.
- Zapletal, M., van der Aalst, W., Russell, N., Liegl, P., Werthner, H. (2009) An Analysis of Windows Workflow's Control-Flow Expressiveness. In Proc. of the 7th IEEE European Conference on Web Services, IEEE Computer Society, (2009), pp. 200 - 209. Eindhoven, Nov. 2009.
- Motal, T., Zapletal, M., Werthner, H. (2009) The Business Choreography Language (BCL) - a Domain-Specific Language for Global Choreographies. In: "Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Services", IEEE Computer Society, (2009), p. 150 - 159.
- Grün, C., Pröll, B., Retschitzegger, W., Schwinger, W., Werthner, H. (2008) Assisting Tourists on the Move - An Evaluation of Mobile Tourist Guides. To appear in: Proc. of 7th Intern. Conf. on Mobile Business, July 2008, Barcelona, Spain (now proposed as invited paper for the Journal of Information Technology).
- Huemer, C., Schmidt, A., Werthner, H., Zapletal, M. (2008) A UML Profile for the e3-Value e-Business Model Ontology. To appear in: Proc. of 3rd Intern. Workshop on Business/IT Alignment and Interoperability (BUSITAL), at the 20th Intern. Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE'08), June 2008, Springer LNCS.
- Huemer, C., Liegl, P., Schuster, R., Werthner, H., Zapletal, M. (2008). Inter-organizational Systems: From Business Values over Business Processes to Deployment. In: Proc. IEEE Intern. Conference on Digital Ecosystem and Technologies (IEEE – DEST). February, 2008, IEEE Computer Society.
- Bauer, M., Herzog, C., Dippelreiter, B., Prantner, K., Werthner, H. (2008) Automating Information Aggregation Processes in Information Centres. In: Proc. of ENTER Conference 2008. Innsbruck, Austria, 2008, Springer Verlag.
- Dorn, J., Werthner, H. (2008) Service-oriented Resource Management. In: the 41st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), January 2008, IEEE Computer Society.
- Beer, T., Rasinger, J., Fuchs, M., Höpken, W., Werthner, H. (2007) Exploiting E-C-A Rules for Defining and Processing Context-Aware Push Messages. In: Proc. of International RuleML Symposium on Rule Interchange and Applications. October 2007. Orlando, Florida.
- Steinbauer, A., Werthner, H. (2007) Consumer Behaviour in e-Tourism. In: Proc. of ENTER Conference 2007. Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2007, Springer Verlag.
- Beer, T., Fuchs, M., Höpken, W., Rasinger, J., Werthner, H. (2007) CAIPS: A Context-Aware Information Push Service in Tourism. In: Proc. of ENTER Conference 2007. Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2007, Springer Verlag.
- Dorn, J., Grün, C., Werthner, H., Zapletal M. (2007) A Survey of B2B Methodologies and Technologies: From Business Models towards Deployment Artifacts. In: Proc. of HICCS 2007, Hawaii.
- Haas, M., Lamp, C., Werthner, H. (2007) A Framework for Strategic Positioning of DMOs. In: Proc. of ENTER Conference 2007. Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2007, Springer Verlag.
- Beer, T., Höpken, W., Zanker, M., Rasinger, R., Werthner, H. (2006) An Intelligent Information Push Service for the Tourist Domain. Proc. of Workshop on Recommender Systems ECAI'06, Trento , August 2006.
- Retschitzegger, W., Schwinger, W., Grün, C., Pröll, B., Werthner H. (2006) Pinpointing Tourism Information onto Mobile Maps - A Light-Weight Approach. In: Proc. of ENTER Conference 2006. Lausanne, Switzerland, 2006, Springer Verlag.
- Fodor, O., Werthner, H. (2004). Harvesting lightweight Ontologies out of legacy XML sources. In Proc. of the First International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Decision Support (ICKEDS'04). Porto, Portugal.
- Werthner, H. (2003) Intelligent Systems in Travel and Tourism. In: Proc. of IJCAI 2003, Acapulco, Mexico.
- Missikoff, M., Werthner, H., Höpken, W., Dell´Erba, M., Fodor, O., Formica, A. and Taglino, F. (2003) HARMONISE: Towards Interoperability in the Tourism Domain In: Proc. of ENTER Conference 2003. Helsinki, Finnland, 2003, Springer Verlag.
- Dell`Erba, M., Fodor, O., Ricci, F., Werthner, H. (2002) Harmonise: a solution for data interoperability. In: Proc.of IFIP I3E 2002 Conference, Lisbon, October 2002.
- Dell`Erba, M., Fodor, O., Ricci, F. and Werthner H. (2002) Conceptual normalisation of XML data for interoperability in tourism. In: Proc. of the Workshop on Knowledge Transformation for the Semantic Web, KTSW 2002, Lyon, France, July, 2002.
- Ricci, F., Blaas, D. Mirzadeh, N, Venturini, A., Werthner, H. (2002) Intelligent Query Management for Travel Products Selection. In: Proceedings of ENTER 2002 Conference, Innsbruck, Austria.
- Ricci, F., Mirzadeh, N, Venturini, A., Werthner, H. (2001) Supporting Interactive Query Refinement for a Travel Recommendation System. In: Proc. Euroweb 2001, Pisa, Italy.
- Ricci, F., Mirzadeh, N., Venturini, A. and Werthner, H. (2001) Case-based Reasoning and Legacy Data Reuse for Web-based Recommendation Architectures. In: Proc. Third International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications and Services (IIWAS2001), Linz, 2001.
- Werthner, H.: (2001) Just Business – Shouldn’t We Have Some Fun? Invited Paper. In: Proceedings of the ECWEB – DEXA Conference, Springer Verlag.
- Leewattanakit, W., Ashari, A., Tjoa, A. and Werthner, H. (2001) Use of New Standards for eCommerce Solution in the Tourism Domain: Destination ASEAN Region. In: Proc. of ENTER Conference 2001. Montreal, Canada, 2001, Springer Verlag.
- Ricci, F. & Werthner, H. (2001) Case based destination recommendation over an XML data repository. In: Proc. of ENTER Conference 2001. Montreal, Canada, 2001, Springer Verlag.
- Werthner, H., Scharl, A. and Bauer, C. (2000): “The Online Tourism Industry - Measuring Success Factors”. In: Proceedings of Second International Forum on Multimedia and Image Processing, World Automation Congress (WAC-2000). Hawaii, June, 2000.
- Bichler, M. & Werthner, H. (2000) A Classification Framework of Multidimensional, Multi-unit Procurement Negotiations. In: Proc. of the DEXA Workshop on Negotiations in Electronic Markets - beyond Price Discovery - e-Negotiations Workshop, Sept., 2000.
- Bichler, M. & Werthner, H. (2000) Simulation of Multidimensional Procurement Auctions. Proc. of the European Simulation Multi-Conference (ESM 2000), May, 2000.
- Kaukal, M., Höpken, W. & Werthner, H. (2000) An Approach to Enable Interoperability in Electronic Tourism Markets. In: Proc. of the ECIS Conference 2000. July 2000, Vienna, Austria.
- Kaukal, M. & Werthner, H. (2000) Integration of Heterogeneous Information Sources. In: Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism. Proc. of the 7th ENTER Conference 2000. April 2000, Barcelona, Spain, Springer Verlag.
- Klein, S. & Werthner, H. (1999) Steuerungswirkungen interorganisationaler Informations- und Kommunikationssysteme am Beispiel touristischer Informationsplattformen (in German). In: Sydow, J., Management von Netzwerkstrukturen. Gabler, Wiesbaden, 1999.
- Werthner, H. (1999) Information Technology and Tourism - A European View on Research Issues. Fesenmaier, D., O'Leary, J., Wöber, K. Learning Environements. Sagamor, Champaign, USA, 1999.
- Grossmann, G., Tichler, G. & Werthner, H. (1999) Using Data Mining in Analysing Local Tourism Patterns. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism. Proc. of the 6th ENTER Conference 1999. January 1999, Innsbruck, Austria, Springer Verlag.
- Grossmann, G., Hitz, M. & Werthner, H. (1997) Modeling Environments and Applications in Ecological Modeling Invited lecture. CASYS'97, Liege (Belgium), August 1997.
- Schwab, M., Werthner, H. & Guariso, G. (1997) Data structures in Environmental Modeling. Proc. of 15 th IMACS World Congress, Berlin, August 1997.
- Fröschl, K. & Werthner, H. (1997) Informed Decision Making in Tourism Management – Closing the Information Circuit. In: Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism. Proc. of the 4th ENTER Conference 1997. Edinburgh, Scotland, January 1997, Springer Verlag.
- Grossmann, W., Hitz, M. & Werthner, H. (1997) Parallelism in Continuous System Simulation. Conf. Proc. Western Multiconference on Computer Simulation. Phoenix, AZ, January 1997.
- Hitz, M. & Werthner, H. (1997) Earning Benefits of the Object-Oriented Pardigm in Dynamic System Simulation. Proc. of the HICCS 1997, Hawaii, January 1997.
- Grossmann, W., Hitz, M. & Werthner, H. (1996) An Object-Oriented Simulation Environment Supporting Self-Adapting Model Structures and Qualitative Models. In: Conf. Proc. AI, Simulation, and Planning in High Autonomous Systems. San Diego, CA, March 1996, pp.125-132.
- Tjoa, A.M. & Werthner, H. (1996) Interfacing WWW with Distributed Database Applications in the Field of Tourism. In: Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism. Proc. 3rd ENTER Conference 1996. January 1996, Innsbruck, Austria. Springer Verlag.
- Werthner, H. (1996) Design Principles of Tourist Information Systems. In: Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism. Proc. 3rd ENTER Conference 1996. January 1996, Innsbruck, Austria, Springer Verlag.
- Gutjahr, W. & Werthner, H. (1995) A Simulation Tools for Software Project Planning. Proc. of CAST´94, Springer Verlag, Ottawa, Canada, May 1994.
- Hitz, M., Ören, T.I. & Werthner, H. (1993) Employing Databases for Large Scale Reuse of Simulation Models. Winter Simulation Conference WSC´93, Los Angeles, Cal., Dec. 1993.
- Grossmann, W. & Werthner, H. (1993) A Stochastic Approach to Qualitative Simulation using Markov Processes. Proc. of IJCAI´93, Chambéry, France, Aug. 1993.
- Grossmann, W. & Werthner, H. (1993) Probabilistic Models in Qualitative Simulation. In: Proc. of EUROCAST´93, Springer Verlag, Las Palmas, Spain, Feb. 1993.
- Hitz, M. & Werthner, H. (1993) Development and Analysis of a Wide Area Information System. Proc. of the 1993 ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, pp. 238-246, Indianapolis, USA, Feb. 1993.
- Hitz, M. & Werthner, H. (1992) A Graph Oriented Approach to Enhance Reusability in *-bases. WISR´92, 5th annual Workshop on Software Reusability, Palo Alto, Cal., Oct. 1992.
- Guariso, G., Hitz, M. & Werthner, H. (1992) Experience in the Development of Advanced Modelling Environment. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 585, Springer Verlag, pp. 476-491.
- Guariso, G., Hitz, M., Schauer, M. & Werthner, H. (1990) MoNet: Eine Simulationsumgebung für hierarchische Input/Output-Modelle. Informatikberichte 256, Springerverlag, pp. 521-530.
- Guariso, G., Nisoli, L., Rizzoli, A. & Werthner, H. (1989) QUALSIM: An Object-Oriented Software Package for Qualitative Modelling and Simulation. In: Iazeolla, G., Lehmann, A., & Van den Herik H.J. Simulation Methodologies, Languages and Architectures and AI and Graphics for Simulation. Proc. of European Simulation Multiconference, pp.175-180, Rome, Italy, June 1989, SCS.
- Guariso, G., Hitz, M. & Werthner, H. (1989) An interactive software environment for the simulation of complex water networks. Proc. of AIPAC 89 Advanced information processing and control. IFACS/IMACS/IFORS Symposium, Nancy, France, July 1989.
- Guariso, G., Hitz, M. & Werthner, H. (1988) A Knowledge Based Simulation Environment for Fast Prototyping, In: Huntsinger, R.C., Karplus, W.J., Kerckhoffs, E.J. & Vansteenkiste G.C. Simulation Environments. Proc. of European Simulation Multiconference, pp.187-192, Nice, France, June 1988, SCS.
- Brighetti, S., Gandolfi, C., Gatto, M., Nardini, A., Rinaldi, S. & Werthner H. (1987) Experiencing the aid of a PC to teach ecology. Proc. terzo congresso nazionale della societa italiana di Ecologia, Siena, Italy, Oct. 1987.
- Eder, J., Kappel, G. & Werthner, H. (1986) Evaluation of Scheduling Mechanism of a Dynamic Data Model by Simulation. Proc. IASTED International Conference on Signal Processing, Measurement and Control, Taormina, Italy, Sept. 1986.
- Grossmann, W. & Werthner, H. (1986) A Simulation Model for Forest Damages. In: Modelling, Simulation and Control - C 6, pp. 39-48, Nr. 4, AMSE Press.
- Grossmann, W., Schimanovich, W. & Werthner, H. (1982) Evaluation of Strategies for Urban Traffic Organization by Simulation. Proc. of the international AMSE Conference on Modelling and Simulation, Vol. 13, pp. 37-44, Paris, France, July 1982.
Teaching Material and Software
- PixMeAway (2014). url: http:/ /
- MyTravelDream (2002). url: http:/ /
- TIScover (1996). url:
- Welcome to Tyrol. TIS im WWW (1995 & 1997). url:
- kulturbergnaturtal, eine tirolreise auf CD-I (1994). Philips Katalognummer 0102997.
- Gatto, M., Rinaldi, S. & Werthner, H. (1987) Esempi di simulazione di sistemi ecologici (Beispiele zur Systemsimulation in der Ökologie). Programme auf Disketten. Herausgegeben von CLUP, Milano (italienische Edition) und Exeter, Publishing Co., Setauket, NY (englische Edition).
Research reports for Austrian Ministries or the City of Vienna
- Pilz, P. & Werthner, H. (1983) Ökonomische Auswirkungen der Einführung Neuer Medien in Österreich. p. 194.
- Buzecki, G., Glasauer, H. & Werthner, H. (1984) Soziologische Begleitstudie zum Computereinsatz in einer Ausstellung. p. 90.
- Van der Bellen, A., Dell'Mour, R., Fleissner, P., Pilz, P. & Werthner, H. (1985) Rüstungskonversion in Österreich. p. 284.
- Werthner, H. (1985) Vorstudie zu einem Simulationsmodell für das Waldsterben. p. 46.
- Werthner, H. (1985) Verkehrssimulation auf Stadtstrassennetzen. Im Auftrag der Gemeinde Wien. p. 70.
- Werthner, H. (2001) e-tourism. In: e-business in a new economy. Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit, Wien.
- Schuster, R., Hörhager, G., Werthner, H. (2013): etOpt – eTourism Options Austria. Forschungsbericht im Auftrag des bmwfj, Wien.
For the European Commission; as member of ISTAG (as member of the respective WGs within ISTAG – these reports were written by a Rapporteur guided by the resp. ISTAG WG)
- User-Friendly IST Applications and Services. May 1999.
- Orientations for WP2000 and beyond. Sep. 1999.
- ISTAG recommendations for FP6. Dec. 2000.
- Implementing the vision. June 2000.
- Integrated Projects in FP6. Feb. 2001.
- SME's in FP6. Feb. 2001.
- Scenarios for Ambient Intelligence in 2010. Feb. 2001.
- Strategic orientations and priorities for IST in FP6. July 2002.
- Trust, dependability, security and privacy for IST in FP6. July 2002.
- Software technologies, embedded systems and distributed systems. July 2002.
Other publications
Brandstätter, L., Grosser, M. & Werthner, H. (1984) Die Anti-AKW-Bewegung in Österreich. In: Umdenken, Analysen grüner Politik in Österreich. Junius Verlag, Wien, pp. 156 - 178.