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Current Projects



As part of the project, an institutionalized national network for infrastructure for the coordination, planning and management of research facilities, services, research information and research data will be established. Taking into account national and international strategies and standards, ARI&Snet sustainably strengthens Austrian agendas in the field of digital research support and ensures the long-term operation of both existing and newly developed services.

These shared services act as a catalyst for Open Science and contribute to the further development of Austria as a future-oriented research location. In addition, they form the basis for an effective information and service platform for Austrian research. ARI&Snet creates sustainable synergies between digitization projects, research institutions, theBMBWF and digitization initiatives such as the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). This creates significant added value for the digital and social transformation in higher education.

[Project Website]

Shared RDM


The goal of the project is to create a framework to offer selected tools and infrastructures in the field of FDM as shared services for selected Austrian universities and research institutions. This bundling of different expertise creates a sensible use of resources and promotes interoperability, standardization and the connection to international initiatives. The project is carried out in the spirit of the EOSC initiative and thus contributes to an even more reliable and easier re-use of research output. It creates a landscape of national FDM infrastructures and services that can be used as a use case/success story on an international level and increases Austria's visibility.

[Project Website]

Past Projects

TU Wien .dcall


TU Wien internal call for new & past projects with a duration of maximum 9 months. Extend the indexed metadata in the search service to cover semantic concepts and units of measurement of columns for tables and allow structured search through facets that assist users in filtering results based on semantic concept and/or unit of measurement. Based on that, extend the metadata stored for each column that contains measurements to also allow the collection of metadata to enhance the conversation between units of measurement and extend the search further to allow unit-independent search within the Ontology of units of measurements.

[Call] [Project Website] [Final Report]


(2019, 2021-2023)

EOSC-Life brings together the 13 Life Science ESFRI research infrastructures (LS RIs) to create an open, digital and collaborative space for biological and medical research. The project will publish FAIR data and a catalogue of services provided by participating RIs for the management, storage and reuse of data in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). This space will be accessible to European research communities.

[Call] [Project Website]

FAIR Data Austria


The FAIR Data Austria project is designed to strengthen knowledge transfer between universities, industry, and society und supports the sustainable implementation of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). Within the project, implementation of the FAIR principles (which mandate that research data be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) plays a major role. Observation of the FAIR principles is secured through 1) integrated data management aligned with generic and discipline-specific needs of researchers, 2) development of next-generation repositories for research data, code, and other research outputs, and 3) development of training and support services for efficient research data management. FAIR Data Austria thereby offers tools to complement the Austrian Data Lab and Services as well as RIS Synergy projects. Supporting the entire data lifecycle (from data generation all the way to data archiving) with the appropriate tools and expertise is essential to achieve efficient research data management according to the FAIR principles, a process that can only be successful when supported by all Austrian HEIs.

[Call] [Project Website]

EOSC Secretariat

(2019-2021) addresses the need for the set-up of an operational framework supporting the overall governance of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). Led by a lean consortium of experienced and complementary partners, the project maintains a practical approach to address all the specific needs of the coordination structure expected by the EOSC. Furthermore, it retains a high degree of flexibility in its roll-out plan by adopting a co-creation approach, founded on a substantial budget left available for all upcoming, foreseen and unforeseen, challenges of introducing a truly operational open science cloud serving all European stakeholders. is also characterised by being neutral towards the community it is serving and by having a pragmatic approach that is fully dedicated to realising the outcomes of the EOSC design as stated by the Staff Working Document and adopted council conclusions.

[Call] [Project Website]