Current ICT systems consume huge amounts of electricity. Only between year 2000 and 2007 the total power consumption of data centers worldwide went from 70 to 330 billion kWh, and is projected to grow over 1000 billion kWh until 2020. Thus, energy efficient management of computational resources is gaining constantly on importance. In this lecture we will discuss concepts and approaches for the measurement, modeling and energy efficient resource allocation at runtime in distributed systems.
In particular, we will discuss concepts of micro and massive data centers, methods for speculative resource allocation in data centers, and energy efficient monitoring of resources. Since energy efficiency is highly related to pricing policies of resource we will also discuss different pricing policies. To facilitate energy efficient runtime operation of massive data centers we will discuss various controller design techniques that also consider geo-temporal constraints. Further, we will present state of the art methodologies for energy efficient management of battery life in smart devices like cyber foraging or energy harvesting.
ACHTUNG: Der Seminarraum Techn. Informatik ist nur über die Operngasse 9 erreichbar, es gibt einen Türcode beim Eingang des Gebäudes, der in der ersten Einheit bekanntgegeben wird. Beim ersten Termin wird die Türe offen gehalten.
J. M. Pierson. Large-scale Distributed Systems and Energy Efficiency: A Holistic View. Wiley, 2015.
Toni Mastelic, Ariel Oleksiak, Holger Claussen, Ivona Brandic, Jean-Marc Pierson, Athanasios V. Vasilakos: Cloud Computing: Survey on Energy Efficiency. ACM Comput. Surv. 47(2): 33:1-33:36 (2014)
Lecture / project work breakdown: 2,5h VO, 1,5h UE.
ECTS Breakdown:
- 30h lecture
- 30h preparation for exam
- 38h for project work
- 2h exam
Project work: The students will design, develop and test a prototype for energy efficient resource allocation in one of the related areas (e.g., Cloud, Edge computing)
Exam: written or oral exam depending on the number of students attending the course