- Identifying and solving practical problems of data-intensive computing
- Describing theoretical foundations of distributed data processing
- Application of methods for data processing in distributed data environments
- Application of machine learning to large-scale data in Hadoop/Spark-based cluster environments
Theory: Map/Reduce, Spark, edge computing, execution graphsPractical part: Hadoop, Spark, implementation of large-scale data processing and machine learning tasks, edge computing
Vorbesprechung/First meeting: March 11th, 14:15, online
Zoom: https://tuwien.zoom.us/j/93067871045?pwd=MGJFdllEMEhzRGN5S1VhM2lyZ09ZQT09
<p>Grading based on 3 assignments (A1: 40pt, A2: 40pt, A3: 40pt; Sum 120pt); presence and contributions in lectures mandatory!</p>
<p>ECTS Breakdown:<br>3.0EC = 75h<br>7.5 lectures: 15h<br>Assignment 1: 20h<br>Assignment 2: 20h<br>Assignment 3: 20h</p>