Aim of course
The goal of this course is to additionally support students when drafting their Master thesis and preparing for the final defense. Students will get feedback from professors and other students, and can learn from the presentations of their colleagues. Furthermore, this course facilitates community building in the area of information systems engineering and supports students in finding topics for their prospective Master theses.
This course involves the following tasks.
(i) Attendance of five lecures presenting and discussing the major research methodologies in software engineering & internet computing
(ii) Completion of an mid term exam (mutiple choice)
(iii) Presentation and discussions of the Master thesis proposal (10 min + 10 min discussion). The feedback should help the students to shape the particular topic and to develop a sound "Diplomarbeitsanmeldung"/Expose.
(iv) Active participation in the discussion with other fellow students.
ECTS Breakdown:
8.5 h Preparation + presentation Master thesis proposal
12.0 Presence at presentation days
17 h Preparation + presentation Master thesis results
<p>(i) Multiple Choice test 10%</p>
<p>(ii) Active participation in the discussion / questions to others (10%)</p>
<p>(iii) Oral presentation (40%)</p>
<p>(iii) Expose (Diplomarbeitsanmeldung) (40%)</p>