Hofstätter, S., Rekabsaz, N., Lupu, M., Eickhoff, C. (2019) Enriching Word Embeddings for Patent Retrieval with Global Context, Springer, Cham, Advances in Information Retrieval. 41st European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2019, Cologne, Germany, April 14-18, 2019, Proceedings, Part I.
Lipani, A., Roelleke, T., Lupu, M., Hanbury, A. (2018) A systematic approach to normalization in probabilistic models, Information Retrieval, 21-6.
Rekabsaz, N., Lupu, M., Baklanov, A., Duer, A. (2017) Volatility Prediction using Financial Disclosures Sentiments with Word Embedding-based IR Models, Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics.
Rekabsaz, N., Lupu, M., Hanbury, A., Zamani, H. (2017) Word Embedding Causes Topic Shifting; Exploit Global Context!, ACM, 40th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval,

Rekabsaz, N., Bierig, R., Lupu, M., Hanbury, A. (2017) Toward Optimized Multimodal Concept Indexing, Journal of Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence (TCCI), 10190-XXVI.
Rekabsaz, N., Lupu, M., Hanbury, A., Zuccon, G. (2017) Exploration of a Threshold for Similarity based on Uncertainty in Word Embedding, Springer, Cham, Advances in Information Retrieval.
, , , (2017) Does Online Evaluation Correspond to Offline Evaluation in Query Auto Completion?, Springer, Advances in Information Retrieval,

Lipani, A., Lupu, M., Hanbury, A. (2017) Visual Pool: A Tool to Visualize and Interact with the Pooling Method, ACM, Proceedings of the 40th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval,

Lipani, A., Lupu, M., Palotti, J., Zuccon, G. (2017) Fixed Budget Pooling Strategies based on Fusion Methods, ACM, Proceedings of the Symposium on Applied Computing,

Lipani, A., Palotti, J., Lupu, M., Piroi, F. (2017) Fixed-cost Pooling Strategies based on IR Evaluation Measures, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021, ECIR 2017: Advances in Information Retrieval,

Rekabsaz, N., Lupu, M., Hanbury, A., Bhaskar, M. (2016) Toward Incorporation of Relevant Documents in word2vec, Neu-IR Workshop at the ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval.
, , , (2016) Interactive Exploration of Healthcare Queries, IEEE, 2016 14th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI 2016),

Rekabsaz, N., Lupu, M., Hanbury, A., Zuccon, G. (2016) Generalizing Translation Models in the Probabilistic Relevance Framework, ACM, CIKM '16 Proceedings of the 25th ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management.
Andersson, L., Lupu, M., Palotti, J., Hanbury, A. (2016) When is the Time Ripe for Natural Language Processing for Patent Passage Retrieval?, Acm Dl, Proceedings of CIKM,

Rekabsaz, N., Sabetghadam, S., Andersson, L., Lupu, M. (2016) Standard Test Collection for English-Persian Cross-Lingual Word Sense Disambiguation, European Language Resources Association (ELRA), Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016).
Rekabsaz, N., Lupu, M., Hanbury, A. (2016) Uncertainty in Neural Network Word Embedding Exploration of Threshold for Similarity, Neu-IR: The SIGIR 2016 Workshop on Neural Information Retrieval, Pisa,

Lipani, A., Lupu, M., Hanbury, A. (2016) The Curious Incidence of Bias Corrections in the Pool, Springer, Advances in Information Retrieval,

Lipani, A., Lupu, M., Kanoulas, E., Hanbury, A. (2016) The Solitude of Relevant Documents in the Pool, ACM, Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval,

Lipani, A., Zuccon, G., Lupu, M., Koopman, B. (2016) The Impact of Fixed-Cost Pooling Strategies on Test Collection Bias, ACM, Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval,

Lipani, A., Lupu, M., Aizawa, A., Hanbury, A. (2015) An Initial Analytical Exploration of Retrievability, ACM, ICTIR '15 Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on The Theory of Information Retrieval,

Lipani, A., Lupu, M., Hanbury, A. (2015) Splitting Water: Precision and Anti-Precision to Reduce Pool Bias, ACM, SIGIR '15 Proceedings of the 38th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval,

Lipani, A., Lupu, M., Hanbury, A., Aizawa, A. (2015) Verboseness Fission for BM25 Document Length Normalization, ACM, ICTIR '15 Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on The Theory of Information Retrieval,

Piroi, F., Lipani, A., Lupu, M., Hanbury, A. (2015) DASyR(IR) - Document Analysis System for Systematic Reviews (in Information Retrieval), IEEE Xplore, 13th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), 2015,

Rekabsaz, N., Bierig, R., Lupu, M., Hanbury, A. (2015) Toward Optimized Multimodal Concept Indexing, Springer, Semantic Keyword-based Search on Structured Data Sources.
Andersson, L., Lupu, M., Palotti, J., Piroi, F. (2014) Insight to Hyponymy Lexical Relation Extraction in the Patent Genre Versus Other Text Genres, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Patent Mining and Its Applications.
Lupu, M., Hanbury, A., Salampasis, M. (2014) Domain Specific Search, Springer LNCS, Professional Search in the Modern World,

Bierig, R., Serban, C., Siriteanu, A., Lupu, M. (2014) A System Framework for Concept- and Credibility-Based Multimedia Retrieval, ACM Press, Proceedings of International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval.
Palotti, J., Rekabsaz, N., Lupu, M., Hanbury, A. (2014) TUW @ Retrieving Diverse Social Images Task 2014, CEUR-WS, Working Notes Proceedings of the MediaEval 2014 Workshop,