Farokhi, S., Jamshidi, P., Lakew, E., Brandić, I. (2016) A hybrid cloud controller for vertical memory elasticity: A control-theoretic approach, Future Generation Computer Systems, 65-.
Farokhi, S. (2016) Quality of Service Control Mechanisms in Cloud Computing Environments, , Ph.D. thesis at Institut für Softwaretechnik und Interaktive Systeme.
Farokhi, S., Jamshidi, P., Brandić, I., Elmroth, E. (2015) Self-adaptation Challenges for Cloud-based Applications: A Control Theoretic Perspective, 10th International Workshop on Feedback Computing 2015.
Farokhi, S., Jamshidi, P., Lucanin, D., Brandić, I. (2015) Performance-based Vertical Memory Elasticity, The 12th IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing.
Farokhi, S., Lakew, E., Klein, C., Brandić, I. (2015) Coordinating CPU and Memory Elasticity Controllers to Meet Service Response Time Constraints, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Autonomic Computing.
Grygorenko, D., Farokhi, S., Brandić, I. (2015) Cost-Aware VM Placement across Distributed DCs using Bayesian Networks, Springer, Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Service.