Gradinariu, D. (2020) On Multilingual Natural Language Processing for Social Media Engagement Prediction, , Master thesis at Institut für Information Systems Engineering.
Hinterndorfer, D. (2020) Binary Text Classification using positive and unlabeled data in application to Twitter, , Master thesis at Institut für Information Systems Engineering.
Weydemann, L. (2020) Location Recommendations from User Mobile Trajectories, , Master thesis at Institut für Information Systems Engineering.
Akhtar, M. (2020) Evaluierung der Benutzerinteraktion in der Telekommunikationsindustrie : Evaluation of user interaction in the telecommunication industry, , Master thesis at Institut für Information Systems Engineering.
Purker, A. (2020) Extraktion von bibliographischen Informationen aus PDFs von Publikationen, , Master thesis at Institut für Information Systems Engineering.
Lindner, M. (2020) Priority Based Mobile Edge Cloud Offloading (PBMECO) algorithm for latency sensitive applications, , Master thesis at Institut für Information Systems Engineering.
Schirmer, M. (2020) Detecting local events using multiple social networking services and geographical clustering, , Master thesis at Institut für Information Systems Engineering E194.
Schwarz, B. (2020) Self-Elective Model Branching in Online Machine Learning on the Edge, , Master thesis at Institut für Information Systems Engineering.
Neumeyer, M. (2020) Analysis of a dynamic collection of news articles with content-based methods, , Master thesis at Institut für Information Systems Engineering | E194.
Hämmerle, C. (2019) Vorhersage von Wirtschaftsindikator mittels Sentimentenanalyse von Nachrichtenartikeln und maschinellem Lernen, , Master thesis at Institut für Information Systems Engineering.
Elashkr, T. (2019) Reading between the Lines of Travelers: Gained Insights from User-generated Content for Destination Marketing using Text Mining and Predictive Analytics, , Master thesis at Institut für Information Systems Engineering.
Ohrfandl, C., Luef, J. (2018) A Recommender System for Investing in High Growth Companies: Investment decision-making, , Master thesis at Institut für Information Systems Engineering.
Ohrfandl, C., Luef, J. (2018) Recommender Systems in the Domain of Early-stage Enterprise Investment : Investment Decision-making & Venture Valuation, , Master thesis at Institut für Information Systems Engineering.
Westphal, K. (2018) Using Natural Language Processing to Automate the Bechdel Test, , Master thesis at Institut für Information Systems Engineering.
Bartnik, C. (2018) Evaluation Of The Viennese ICT Startup Ecosystem, , Master thesis at Institut für Information Systems Engineering.
Hofstätter, S. (2018) Adaptierung von Word Embeddings für domänenspezifisches Information Retrieval, , Master thesis at Institut für Information Systems Engineering.
Boisgard, N. (2018) State-of-the-Art Approaches for German Language Chat-Bot Development, , Master thesis at Institut für Information Systems Engineering, .
Brom, J. (2018) Sentiment analysis of public information to predict stock market movements, , Master thesis at Institut für Information Systems Engineering.
Rohrer, F. (2018) Multi-objective User and Virtual Machine Assignment Using Biogeography-Based Optimization, , Master thesis at Institut für Information Systems Engineering.
Dreßler, P. (2018) Relocation Strategies for Free-floating Car Sharing Operators, , Master thesis at Institut für Information Systems Engineering.
Sertkan, M. (2018) Classifying and mapping e-Tourism data sets, , Master thesis at Institut für Information Systems Engineering, .
Rajcic, N. (2017) Comparison of Wikipedia articles in different languages, , Master thesis at Institut für Softwaretechnik und Interaktive Systeme.
Kastner, G. (2017) Evaluation of digital badges for knowledge exchange platforms, , Master thesis at Institut für Softwaretechnik und Interaktive Systeme.
Kotschy, G. (2017) Adaptive case management : leveraging open source technologies to perform knowledge work, , Master thesis at Institut für Softwaretechnik und Interaktive Systeme.
Luef, M. (2017) Bestimmung des persönlichen Werteportfolios durch Auswahl von Bildern, , Master thesis at Institut für Softwaretechnik und Interaktive Systeme.
Glatzer, L. (2017) Quantitative analysis of tourism data using text mining, , Master thesis at Institut für Softwaretechnik und Interaktive Systeme, .
Strelzow, A. (2016) Language model dirven analysis : simplifying text on an induvidual scale, , Master thesis at Institut für Softwaretechnik und Interaktive Systeme.
Zeimpekos, P. (2016) Ein Segmentation-basiertes Objekt Erkennung System für Bilder : = A segmentation-based object recognition system for images, , Master thesis at Institut für Softwaretechnik und Interaktive Systeme.
Bertsch, M. (2016) Reusable data tier in production planning, , Master thesis at Institut für Softwaretechnik und Interaktive Systeme.
Zlabinger, M. (2016) Finden von Duplikatbildern in Biologie-Publikationen, , Master thesis at Institut für Softwaretechnik und Interaktive Systeme.