ENTER 2018 conference in Jönköping, Sweden
This year’s ENTER conference - the most important international conference in IT and tourism - took place in Jönköping, Sweden from January 24 to January 26, 2018. Two papers on picture-based travel recommender systems were presented by EC group members: “Automated Assignment of Hotel Descriptions to Travel Behavioural Patterns” by Lisa Glatzer, Julia Neidhardt and Hannes Werthner and “Mapping of Tourism Destinations to Travel Behavioural Patterns” by Mete Sertkan, Julia Neidhardt and Hannes Werthner (on the picture together with Prof. Wolfram Höpken who was chairing the session). This year, the Hannes Werthner Tourism and Technology Lifetime Achievement Award was given to
Prof. Andy Frew. This award is given to an individual from academia, industry or government who has made significant contributions to the advancement in the field of tourism and technology at ENTER every year.