Grün, C., Neidhardt, J., Werthner, H. (2017) Ontology-based Matchmaking to Provide Personalized Recommendations for Tourists, Springer, ENTER Conference, Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2017, .
Grün, C. (2016) Ontology-based matchmaking to provide personalized offers, , Ph.D. thesis at Institut für Softwaretechnik und Interaktive Systeme.
Grün, C., Huemer, C., Liegl, P., Mayrhofer, D. (2011) eBusiness, Springer, Handbook of Semantic Web Technologies.
Dippelreiter, B., Grün, C., Pöttler, M. (2010) A 'State of the Art' Evaluation of PM-Systems Exploring their missing Functionalities, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Project Management, .
Lamsfus, C., Grün, C., Werthner, H., Alzua-Sorzabal, A. (2010) Context-based semantic matchmaking to enhance tourists´ experiences, Journal for the Informatics Professional, 203-, .
Werthner, H., Grün, C., Pröll, B., Feilmayr, C. (2009) Covering the Semantic Space of Tourism - An Approach based on Modularized Ontologies, ACM, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Context, Information and Ontologies, .
Barta, R., Grün, C. (2009) Geo-Semantic Time Series for Tourism Applications, European Semantic Technology Conference 2009, Wien, .
Dorn, J., Grün, C., Werthner, H., Zapletal, M. (2009) From business to software: a B2B survey, Information Systems and E-Business Management, 7-2, .
Grün, C., Werthner, H., Retschitzegger, W., Schwinger, W. (2008) Assisting Tourists on the Move - An Evaluation of Mobile Tourist Guides, IEEE Computer Society, Proc. of 7th International Conference on Mobile Business, .
Grün, C., Dippelreiter, B., Pöttler, M., Berger, H. (2008) Online Tourism Communities on the Path to Web 2.0 - An Evaluation, Information Technology & Tourism, 10-4.
Grün, C., Schwinger, W., Pröll, B., Retschitzegger, W. (2008) Context-awareness in Mobile Tourism Guides, Information Science Reference, Handbook of Research on Mobile Multimedia, Second Edition, .
Dorn, J., Grün, C., Werthner, H., Zapletal, M. (2007) A Survey of B2B Methodologies and Technologies: From Business Models towards Deployment Artifacts, IEEE Computer Society, 40th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-40 2007), CD-ROM / Abstracts Proceedings, .
Grün, C., Fuchs, M., Rasinger, J., Höpken, W. (2007) Exploring Information Services for mobile Tourist Guides: Results from an Expert Survey, CERAM Business School, Proceedings of the Travel and Tourism Research Association Europe 2007 Annual Conference, .
Krösche, J., Drab, S., Jakl, A., Grün, C. (2007) Pushing location based games further: How to gain end user suitability, European Academy of Digital Media, Multimedia and E-Content Trends, .
Retschitzegger, W., Schwinger, W., Grün, C., Pröll, B. (2006) Pinpointing Tourism Information onto Mobile Maps - A Leight-Weight Approach, Springer Verlag, Proceedings of ENTER Conference 2006.