Dorn, J. (2020) Web Information Retrieval and Search, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, Handbook of e-Tourism,

Bauer, W., Kryvinska, N., Dorn, J. (2019) Extending Linked USDL by Trust Assertion, ACM, Proceeedings of the 21st International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2019).
Dorn, J. (2019) Managing Experience in Business Process Management, 10th Conference Professional Knowledge Management,

Bauer, W., Dorn, J. (2018) Enhancing Electronic Markets for Industrial Services by Trust Features, Emerald Publishing, Trust in B-to-B contexts: antecedents, processes, and consequences.
Dar, E., Dorn, J. (2018) Classification of job offers of the World Wide Web, IEEE Explore, International Conference on Computing, Mathematics and Engineering Technologies (iCoMET).
Dar, E., Dorn, J. (2018) Ontology Based Classification System for Online Job offers, IEEE Explore, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing, Mathematics and Engineering Technologies.
Bauer, W., Dorn, J. (2017) Modeling Trust for Service E-Marketplaces. Case Study in the Manufacturing Domain, ACM, Proceedings of iiWAS.
Bauer, W., Dorn, J. (2017) Service Classification at E-markets in the Manufacturing Domain, OMiLAB Verlag, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Serviceology. Short papers and posters.
Bauer, W., Dorn, J. (2017) System Design of E-Markets for IPSS Purchasing, Elsevier, The 9th CIRP IPSS Conference: Circular Perspectives on Product/Service-Systems,

Bauer, W., Dorn, J. (2017) Trust in Service Purchasing, OMiLAB Verlag, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Serviceology. Short papers and posters.
Sylejmani, K., Dorn, J., Musliu, N. (2017) Planning the trip itinerary for tourist groups, Journal of Information Technology and Tourism, 17-1.
Bauer, W., Dorn, J. (2016) Requirements for product-service description at e-marketplaces in the manufacturing domain, Elsevier B.V., Product-Service Systems across Life Cycle,

Dorn, J. (2016) Sharing Project Experience through Case-based Reasoning, International Conference on Knowledge Management.
Dorn, J. (2014) Elektronische Abzeichen zur Unterstützung von informalem Lernen, Informatik Spektrum, 37-4,

Joachim, Z., Reichelt, P., Bonnin, J., Dorn, J. (2013) DOMINO - An Efficient Algorithm for Policy Definition and Processing in Distributed Environments Based on Atomic Data Structures, Springer LNCS, 19th EUNICE Workshop on Advances in Communication Networking.
Sylejmani, K., Dorn, J., Musliu, N. (2012) A Taboo Search approach for solving Multi Constrained Team Orienteering Problem for application in touristic trip planning, IEEE Computer Society, 12th International Conference on HybridIntelligent Systems,

Sylejmani, K., Dorn, J., Musliu, N. (2012) Tourist trip planning: solo versus group traveling, SIGPLAN, 30th Workshop of the UK Planning and Scheduling Special Interest Group.
Dorn, J., Seiringer, W. (2012) A Prototype for Service-Based Costing, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Proceedings of the 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'46).
Dorn, J., Labitzke, S. (2011) Extracting Social Relationships from Social Software, IGI Global, Handbook of Research on Business Social Networking: Organizational, Managerial, and Technological Dimensions.
Dorn, J. (2010) Business Service Scheduling, International Journal on Applied Logistics, 1-4.
Naz, T., Dorn, J., Poulovassilis, A. (2010) Configurable Meta-search in the Job Domain, International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology (IJWET), 6-.
Dorn, J. (2009) Social Software (and Web 2.0), IGI Global, Encyclopedia Of Multimedia Technology and Networking,

Naz, T., Dorn, J. (2009) Configurable Meta-search in the Human Resource Domain: A Hybrid Approach to Schema and Data Integration for Meta-search Engines, Lampert Academic Publishing, ,

Dorn, J., Hochmeister, M. (2009) TechScreen: Mining Competencies in Social Software, International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, The 13th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics,

Dorn, J., Grün, C., Werthner, H., Zapletal, M. (2009) From business to software: a B2B survey, Information Systems and E-Business Management, 7-2,

Dorn, J., Hrastnik, P., Rainer, A., Starzacher, P. (2009) Web Service based Meta-search for Accommodations, Information Technology & Tourism, Vol 10-2.
Rainer, A., Dorn, J. (2009) MOVE: a generic service composition framework for Service Oriented Architectures, IEEE Computer Society, Proceedings of 11th IEEE Conference on Commerce and Enterprise Computing (CEC´09).
Dorn, J., Werthner, H. (2008) Service-oriented Resource Management, IEEE Computer Society, Proceedings of HICSS08.
Dorn, J. (2008) Social Tagging, Oldenbourg Verlag, Web 2.0 in der Unternehmenspraxis.