E-Business and E-Commerce include, besides other influencing domains, rapid changes to economic and social processes. For this reason, the research area pursues taking an encompassing view at such processes reaching from analyzing enterprises and their respective processes to evaluating the entire market, as well as is active in creating ideas and solutions for meeting the demands of the respective stakeholders.
Overall, the electronic commerce research area performs research and creates solutions in the Business-2-Business (B2B) and Business-2-Consumer (B2C) domains. In the B2B domain, the group focuses on (i) business (process) modeling and definition and consequently the specification and implementation of e-business systems while considering and contributing to semantic web research and service-oriented architectures, (ii) ontology engineering and information integration, (iii) "Web Science" focusing on network analysis and content as well as text mining. In the B2C domain, the group performs research targeting (i) visual interaction paradigms as well as (ii) mobile applications. Thereby, our group focuses especially on the development and application of our research in the area of e-tourism and its mobile applications.
Data Intelligence refers to the intelligent interaction with data in a rich, semantically meaningful ways, where data are used to learn and to obtain knowledge (in a pragmatic sense). In this context one may distinguish between a data and an interaction layer. At the data layer, methods come from online analytics, data mining, and machine learning. At the intelligent interaction layer, the focus is on recommender systems and information retrieval. Beyond the basic research on the foundations of these approaches, emphasis is also put on the adaptation of these approaches to specific domains, as well as evaluation methodologies (both empirical and user-centred). Domains in which we have done research include: Intellectual Property, technical & scientific publications, health & medicine, and enterprise social networks.
High Performance Computing (HPC) Systems possess high level of computing performance compared to a general-purpose computer. Nowadays virtualized HPC systems are used to address balancing issue between overall system performance and energy efficiency. We conduct research in the area of energy efficient HPC system by developing speculative methodologies and techniques to allocate resources in an energy efficient way, but at the same time meet requirements of the end users, like the certain latency of the applications. We strive to develop generic methods and methodologies but we let our research be inspired by a set of real world applications from different domains like life sciences (e.g., DNA sequencing) or social media applications.
About us ...
Prof. Werthner at panel discussion "The role and responsibility of the intellectual in our time"
The head of the group, Hannes Werthner, participated at a panel discussion "The role and responsibility of the intellectual in our time".
The discussion took place on December 5, within the Italian book fair "Più libri più liberi" in Rome, Palazzo dei Congressi. Other panel participants were the Italian writers Fabio Geda and Carlo Grande, and the Austrian author Egyd Gstättner. It was moderated by Christiana Ruggeri from RAI 2.
New member of the EC Group: Carine Pierrette Mukamakuza
We are pleased to introduce the newest member of our group: Carine Pierrette Mukamakuza.
Carine Mukamakuza was born in Western Province, Rwanda. She holds a Bachelor and a Master of Computer science and technology from Central South University in Changsha, China and is now a PhD student in the E-Commerce group. Her supervisor is Prof. Werthner.
submitted by Stephanie Wogowitsch on Mon, 10/19/2015 - 12:17Visiting professor: Tsvi Kuflik (University of Haifa/Israel)
Professor Tsvi Kuflik from the University of Haifa, Israel, is visiting our group from 16 September to 16 November 2015. He will give a talk at Zemanek Seminarraum (TU Wien) on Wednesday, 4 November 2015 at 5 PM titled "The museum as a living lab — A case study for using mobile technology for inferring social aspects in the museum".
Biography of Prof. Kuflik:
submitted by Stephanie Wogowitsch on Mon, 10/19/2015 - 11:34IFS represents Austria at the European Linked Data Contest
The European Linked Data Contest [1] has been organised with the goal of showcasing the European scene in the area of Linked Data and Semantic Web technologies. The contest awarded prizes for the best projects that make use of Linked Data, either in an open Web sitting (Linked Open Data category) or within organisations (Linked Enterprise Data category). Similarly to the Eurovision contest, finalist projects were selected from each European country and then the winners were selected from these finalists through the vote of an international jury.
submitted by webmaster on Wed, 10/14/2015 - 10:39Best Paper Award in Factory Automation
At the 20th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA) 2015 Luca Berardinelli, Stefan Biffl, Emanuel Mätzler, Tanja Mayerhofer, and Manuel Wimmer received the Best Paper Award in Factory Automation for their paper on "Model-Based Co-Evolution of Production Systems and their Libraries with AutomationML."
Welcome.TU.code: Computer Science-Workshops for young refugees
9th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems organized by the E-Commerce Group
The E-Commerce Group organizes the 9th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys '15), which will take place at TU Wien (Freihaus) from September 16-20, 2015.
Tourist Attraction Recommendations for Vienna: Participate in research ...

... and get to know your personal top 10 attractions for your next journey to Vienna. The aim of this project is to evaluate an online recommendation application
FWF START grant awarded to Ivona Brandic
We are very happy to announce that Ivona Brandic was awarded with an FWF START grant!
submitted by Stephanie Wogowitsch on Tue, 06/09/2015 - 09:46PhD Defense Nataliia Rümmele
We are glad to announce that Nataliia (Pobiedina) Rümmele has successfully defended her PhD thesis "Temporal link prediction using graph pattern matching" on Tuesday, 2 June 2015. For abstract please click here.
submitted by Stephanie Wogowitsch on Mon, 06/08/2015 - 10:25