Zapletal, M., Schuster, R., Liegl, P., Huemer, C. (2015) The UN/CEFACT Modeling Methodology UMM 2.0: Choreographing Business Document Exchanges, Springer, Handbook on Business Process Management 1, 2nd Edition,

Vallon, R., Dräger, C., Zapletal, M., Grechenig, T. (2014) Adapting to Changes in a Project's DNA: A Descriptive Case Study on the Effects of Transforming Agile Single-Site to Distributed Software Development, IEEE, Proceedings of the 2014 Agile Conference (AGILE 2014).
Huemer, C., Zapletal, M., Liegl, P. (2014) Crossing the Boundaries: e-Invoicing/e-Procurement as Native ERP Features, ERP Future 2013 Conference, Novel Methods and Technologies for Enterprise Information Systems,

Krathu, W., Pichler, C., Engel, R., Zapletal, M. (2014) A Framework for Inter-organizational Performance Analysis from EDI Messages, IEEE, Proceedings of The 16th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics (CBI).
Huemer, C., Liegl, P., Zapletal, M. (2013) Eine Plattform für den elektronischen Austausch von Geschäftsdokumenten, Linde Verlag, Handbuch E-Rechnung und E-Procurement.
Engel, R., Rantham Prabhakara, J., Pichler, C., Zapletal, M. (2013) EDIminer: A Toolset for Process Mining from EDI Messages,, CAiSE'13 Forum at the 25th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, Valencia, Spain, June 17-21, 2013,

Krathu, W., Engel, R., Pichler, C., Zapletal, M. (2013) Identifying Inter-organizational Key Performance Indicators from EDIFACT Messages, IEEE, Proceedings of The 15th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics (CBI).
Engel, R., Krathu, W., Pichler, C., Zapletal, M. (2013) Towards EDI-Based Business Activity Monitoring, IEEE, 17th IEEE International EDOC Conference (EDOC 2013) Workshops.
Engel, R., Rantham Prabhakara, J., Pichler, C., Zapletal, M. (2013) Inter-organizational Business Processes: On Redundancies in Document Exchanges, Turku Centre for Computer Science, Effective, Agile and Trusted eServices Co-Creation,

Pichler, C., Wimmer, M., Wieland, K., Zapletal, M. (2012) Towards Collaborative Cross-Organizational Modeling, Springer, BPM 2011 Workshops, Part I.
Krathu, W., Pichler, C., Engel, R., Zapletal, M. (2012) Semantic Interpretation of UN/EDIFACT Messages for Evaluating Inter-organizational Relationships, The 5th International Conference on Advances in Information Technology (IAIT'12),

Krathu, W., Pichler, C., Zapletal, M., Werthner, H. (2012) Semantic inter-organizational performance analysis using the balanced scorecard methodology, MIPRO, 2012 Proceedings of the 35th International Convention,

Engel, R., Pichler, C., Zapletal, M., Krathu, W. (2012) From Encoded EDIFACT Messages to Business Concepts Using Semantic Annotations, IEEE, Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Commerce and Enterprise Computing (CEC 2012),

Engel, R., van der Aalst, W., Zapletal, M., Pichler, C. (2012) Mining Inter-organizational Business Process Models from EDI Messages: A Case Study from the Automotive Sector, Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Engel, R., Krathu, W., Zapletal, M., Pichler, C. (2011) Process Mining for Electronic Data Interchange, Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, E-Commerce and Web Technologies.
Schönberger, A., Wirtz, G., Huemer, C., Zapletal, M. (2010) A Composable, QoS-Aware and Web Services-Based Execution Model for ebXML BPSS Business Transactions, IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Congress on Services.
Zapletal, M., Schuster, R., Liegl, P., Huemer, C. (2010) Modelling Interorganizational Business Processes, Springer, Handbook on Business Process Management 1.
Liegl, P., Zapletal, M., Pichler, C., Strommer, M. (2010) State-of-the-art in business document standards, Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics,

Zapletal, M., van der Aalst, W., Russell, N., Liegl, P. (2009) Pattern-based Analysis of Windows Workflow, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven Computer Science Report, 09/07-09/07,

Huemer, C., Liegl, P., Schuster, R., Zapletal, M. (2009) Service-Oriented Enterprise Modeling and Analysis, Auerbach Publications, Handbook of Enterprise Integration.
Zapletal, M., van der Aalst, W., Russell, N., Liegl, P. (2009) An Analysis of Windows Workflow's Control-Flow Expressiveness, IEEE Computer Society, Proceedings of the 7th IEEE European Conference on Web Services,

Zapletal, M. (2009) A UML-based Methodology for Model-Driven B2B Integration: From Business Values over Business Processes to Deployment Artifacts, , Ph.D. thesis at Institut für Softwaretechnik und Interaktive Systeme,

Liegl, P., Huemer, C., Zapletal, M. (2009) Towards a global business document reference ontology, IEEE Computer Society, Proccedings of the Third IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing,

Dorn, J., Grün, C., Werthner, H., Zapletal, M. (2009) From business to software: a B2B survey, Information Systems and E-Business Management, 7-2,

Liegl, P., Schuster, R., Zapletal, M., Huemer, C. (2009) [vem:xi:] - A methodology for process based requirements engineering, IEEE Computer Society, Proceedings of the 17th IEEE Requirements Engineering Conference,

Huemer, C., Liegl, P., Schuster, R., Zapletal, M. (2009) B2B Services: Worksheet-Driven Development of Modeling Artifacts and Code, Computer Journal, 52-8.
Motal, T., Zapletal, M., Werthner, H. (2009) The Business Choreography Language (BCL) - a Domain-Specific Language for Global Choreographies, IEEE Computer Society, Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Services,

Huemer, C., Liegl, P., Schuster, R., Zapletal, M. (2008) A 3-level e-Business Registry Meta Model, IEEE Computer Society, Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2008),

Zapletal, M. (2008) Deriving business service interfaces in Windows Workflow from UMM transactions, Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Service-Oriented Computing - ICSOC 2008),