Foto © Luiza Puiu
Univ. Prof. Dr.
Ivona Brandić
Head of the Research Group on High Performance Computing Systems
Institute of Information Systems Engineering
TU Wien
Favoritenstr. 9-11
2nd floor
Room Nr. HE0224
1040 Vienna
email: ivona[at]
phone: +43 (1) 58801 188761
department secretary: +43 (1) 58801 18808
fax: +43 (1) 58801 18899
consultation hour: e-mail appointment



[Profile] [Research] [Teaching] [Keynotes and invited talks] [Group] [Webcasts] [Publications] [Community activities] [Media Appearance] [Projects]


We are part of the Institute of Information Systems Engineering.

FOSII team 2010

Haley team 2013

Rucon team 2017

HPC research group 2021

HPC research group 2023

HPC research group 2024
Group Website:

My research team:

Former research fellows:

Visiting Phd students:

Past PhD students:

PhD Thesis Reviewer/Opponent/Committee Member:

Master students:

Last changed: 24.5.2024