Foto © Luiza Puiu
Univ. Prof. Dr.
Ivona Brandić
Head of the Research Group on High Performance Computing Systems
Institute of Information Systems Engineering
TU Wien
Favoritenstr. 9-11
2nd floor
Room Nr. HE0224
1040 Vienna
email: ivona[at]
phone: +43 (1) 58801 188761
department secretary: +43 (1) 58801 18808
fax: +43 (1) 58801 18899
consultation hour: e-mail appointment



[Profile] [Research] [Teaching] [Keynotes and invited talks] [Group] [Webcasts] [Publications] [Community activities] [Media Appearance] [Projects]


- Sustainable Computing, "Can Machines Save the World?" - The Digital Humanism Fellowship Conference, Nov 17th 2023 Vienna.
- Edge Computing as a Missing Link in the Post Moore Era, Multi Core World 2023, 13-17 Feb. 2023, Wellington, New Zealand
- Principles of Sustainable IT, Berta Karlik Lecture, 8th March 2023, Austrian Academy of Science
- Digitaler Salon, Keynote: Digitalisierung - Fluch und Segen für die Nachhaltigkeit? 24th Nov. 2022. Mehr zum Digitalen Salon.
- Keynote ICPE 2022 13th April. 2022.
- Nachhaltigkeit als Challenge, Panel 2, 18. Österreichischer IT- & Beratertag 25. Nov. 2021.
- The Future of Computing, Webinar by Wolf Theiss 10th June 2021.
- Data-Driven Techniques for Fault Tolerance in Edge Computing Systems - Theory Oct. 8th 2021, Fog Tutorial for Industrial IoT, Embedded Systems Week (ESWEEK 2021)
- TU Vision 2025+: Digitale Transformation. Wissenschaft. Verantwortung. 17. 10. 2019.
- TUForMath Vortrag Edge Computing als neuer Ansatz für zeitkritische Datenanalyse (in German),, Vienna, Austria, 31. 10. 2019.
- TU Vision 2025+: Klimakrise. Wissenschaft. Verantwortung. 18. 10. 2019.
- Inaugural Lecture, Panel "Future of Computing",, Vienna, Austria, 22. 11. 2017.
- ICETE and ICSOFT Keynote 2014,, Vienna, Austria, 28. 08. 2014.
- CLOSER and SMARTGREENS Keynote 2013,, Aachen, Germany, 09. 05. 2013.

- The awareness Initiative,, Toulouse, France, 25. 07. 2012.

- Challenges in Establishment of Open Cloud Markets,, The HPC Advisory Council Switzerland Conference 2012, Lugano, Switzerland, 15. 03. 2012.

Last changed: 24.5.2024