
Huemer, C., Motal, T., Schuster, R., Werthner, H. (2010) From Economic Drivers to B2B Process Models: a Mapping from REA to UMM, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Business Information Systems 13th International Conference, BIS 2010, Berlin, Germany, May 3-5, 2010. Proceedings, .
Mustafa, R., Werthner, H. (2010) A Knowledge Management Perspective on Business Models, Common Ground Publishing, Globalization, Labor & the Transformation of Work: Readings for Seeking a Competitive Advantage in an Increasingly Global Economy, .
Werthner, H., Grün, C., Pröll, B., Feilmayr, C. (2009) Covering the Semantic Space of Tourism - An Approach based on Modularized Ontologies, ACM, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Context, Information and Ontologies, .
Hofreiter, B., Werthner, H. (2009) Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Commerce and Enterprise Computing, IEEE Computer Society, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Commerce and Enterprise Computing.
Dorn, J., Grün, C., Werthner, H., Zapletal, M. (2009) From business to software: a B2B survey, Information Systems and E-Business Management, 7-2, .
Motal, T., Zapletal, M., Werthner, H. (2009) The Business Choreography Language (BCL) - a Domain-Specific Language for Global Choreographies, IEEE Computer Society, Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Services, .
Huemer, C., Liegl, P., Schuster, R., Werthner, H. (2008) Inter-organizational Systems: From Business Values over Business Processes to Deployment, IEEE, Proceedings of the 2nd International IEEE Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies (DEST2008), .
Mustafa, R., Werthner, H. (2008) A Knowledge Management Perspective on Business Models, The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, Volume 8-6, .
Huemer, C., Schmidt, A., Werthner, H., Zapletal, M. (2008) A UML Profile for the e3-Value e-Business Model Ontology, CEUR-WS, Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Business/IT Alignment and Interoperability (BUSITAL'08) held in conjunction with CAiSE'08 Conference, .
Dorn, J., Werthner, H. (2008) Service-oriented Resource Management, IEEE Computer Society, Proceedings of HICSS08.
Dorn, J., Fensel, D., Hepp, M., Werthner, H. (2008) Semantically Enabled Service-Oriented Architectures: An Enabler for Smart Business Networks, Smart Business Networks Initiative, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Smart Business Networks - A new Business Paradigm, .
Grün, C., Werthner, H., Retschitzegger, W., Schwinger, W. (2008) Assisting Tourists on the Move - An Evaluation of Mobile Tourist Guides, IEEE Computer Society, Proc. of 7th International Conference on Mobile Business, .
Herzog, C., Bauer, M., Prantner, K., Werthner, H. (2008) A Case Study on Automating Information Aggregation Processes in Information Centres, Springer Vienna, Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2008 Proceedings of the International Conference in Innsbruck, Austria, 2008, .
Steinbauer, A., Werthner, H. (2007) Consumer Behaviour in e-Tourism, Springer, Proc. of ENTER 2007, .
Dorn, J., Grün, C., Werthner, H., Zapletal, M. (2007) A Survey of B2B Methodologies and Technologies: From Business Models towards Deployment Artifacts, IEEE Computer Society, 40th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-40 2007), CD-ROM / Abstracts Proceedings, .
Lamp, C., Haas, M., Werthner, H. (2007) A Framework for Strategic Positioning of DMOs, ENTER Conference 2007, Ljubljana, .
Werthner, H., Borovicka, M. (2006) E-commerce und Semantic Web, Springer-Verlag, Semantic Web - Wege zur vernetzten Wissensgesellschaft.
Werthner, H., Klein, S. (2006) Innovation in tourism enabled by ICT, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Innovation and Product Development in Tourism.
Werthner, H., Stock, O., Zancanaro, M. (2006) Futuring Travel Destination Recommendation Systems, CAB International, Destination Recommendation Systems: Behavioral Foundations and Applications.
Ebner, A., Werthner, H. (2006) Operation and Maintaining Web Applications, John Wiley and Sons, Web Engineering - Systematic Development of Web Applications.
