
Ebner, A., Werthner, H. (2006) Operation and Maintaining Web Applications, John Wiley and Sons, Web Engineering - Systematic Development of Web Applications.
Fodor, O., Werthner, H. (2005) Harmonise - a Step towards an Interoperable e-Tourism Marketplace, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 9/2-.
Werthner, H. (2005) Informationstechnologie und touristische Innovation, Deutscher Universitätsverlag /Gabler - Verlag, Erfolg durch Innovation.
Fröschl, K., Werthner, H. (2004) Die Konzeption von Tourismus Informationssystemen, Überreuter Verlag, Strategische Bedeutung neuer Informations- und Kommunikations¬technologien im Tourismus.
Fodor, O., Werthner, H. (2004) Harvesting lightweight Ontologies out of legacy XML sources, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Decision Support (ICKEDS'04).
Gratzer, M., Werthner, H., Winiwarter, W. (2004) Electronic Business in Tourism, International Journal of Electronic Business (IJEB), 5/2-.
Tjoa, A., Werthner, H. (2004) Electronic markets and tourism, Springer-Verlag, Digital Economy - Anspruch und Wirklichkeit.
Werthner, H., Ricci, F. (2004) Electronic Commerce and Tourism, Communications of the ACM, 47/12-.
Missikoff, M., Werthner, H., Höpken, W., Dell´Erba, M. (2003) HARMONISE: Towards Interoperability in the Tourism Domain, Springer Verlag, Proceedings of ENTER Conference 2003.
Werthner, H. (2003) Intelligent Systems in Travel and Tourism, Eighteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Proceedings of IJCAI 2003.
Ebner, A., Werthner, H. (2003) Betrieb und Wartung von Web Anwendungen, dpunkt.verlag, Web Engineering - Systematische Entwicklung von Web-Anwendungen.
Ricci, F., Werthner, H. (2002) Case based reasoning for travel planning recommendation, Information Technology & Tourism, 4/3-.
Ricci, F., Werthner, H. (2002) eCommerce e turismo: Quali prospettive per il turismo?, Touring University Press, Manuale del Turismo Montano.
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Dell´Erba, M., Fodor, O., Ricci, F., Werthner, H. (2002) Conceptual normalisation of XML data for interoperability in tourism, Proceedings of the Workshop on Knowledge Transformation for the Semantic Web, KTSW 2002.
Ricci, F., Werthner, H. (2001) Case based destination recommendation over an XML data repository, Springer Verlag, Proceedings of ENTER Conference 2001.
Werthner, H., Bichler, M. (2001) Lectures in E-Commerce, Springer-Verlag, .
Werthner, H., Klein, S. (2001) ICT and the changing landscape of global tourism distribution, International Journal of Electronic Commerce and Business Media, 9/4-.
Werthner, H., Danzinger, C. (2001) Trendsetter Tourismus - Freiheit oder Verpflichtung zur Nutzung neuer Chancen durch E-Commerce?, StudienVerlag, Der Alpentourismus - Entwicklungspotenziale im Spannungsfeld von Kultur, Ökonomie und Ökologie.
Bichler, M., Field, F., Werthner, H. (2001) Theory and application of electronic market design, Electronic Commerce Research Journal, 1/3-.
Ricci, F., Mirzadeh, N., Venturini, A., Werthner, H. (2001) Case-based Reasoning and Legacy Data Reuse for Web-based Recommendation Architectures, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications and Services (IIWAS2001).
Werthner, H. (2001) Just Business - Shouldn´t We Have Some Fun?, EC-WEB - DEXA Conference, Proceedings of the EC-WEB - DEXA Conference.
Werthner, H., Scharl, A., Bauer, C. (2000) The Online Tourism Industry - Measuring Success Factors, Proceedings of Second International Forum on Multimedia and Image Processing, World Automation Congress (WAC-2000).
